Article by Stuart Mitchell
A Brief History of Harley Street Harley Street London
UHarley Street is one of several London Streets that are inextricably linked with a certain trade. Saville Row is world famous for its host of bespoke tailors, Fleet Street with newspaper production, Denmark Street with songwriters and musical shops. Harley Street’s niche is that of the medical profession. Unlike Saville Row which has seen an increasing decline in the number of tailors shops and Fleet Street which no-longer produces newspapers, Harley Street continues to flourish as a centre for all things medical and medicinal.
The history of Harley Street really begins in the early 18th Century when the land between Oxford Street and Marylebone Road was developed in the grand Georgian style of the day. Architect John Prince backed with capital from Edward Harley (2nd Earl of Oxford) created an abundance of highly sort after property with its centre at Cavendish Square. By the 1790’s the area was highly fashionable drawing in a number wealthy and famous residents. Gladstone lived at 73 UHarley Street, William Turner lived at a number of addresses first at 35 Harley Street and later at 46 and then at 23 Queen Street, where he built a gallery.
The influx of medical professionals began around the middle of the 19th Century. The Street was well placed for rail links to the north and a supply of rich customers on its door step. The opening of the Medical Society of London in Chandos Street in 1873 and then the Royal Society of Medicine in Wimpole Street in 1912 further enhanced the areas reputation for medical care.
Records show that in 1860 there were around 20 doctors in Harley Street, this had risen to 80 nge 1900 and almost 200 nge 1914. With the establishment of the NHS in 1948 there were around 1,500 doctors practicing in the area. It is estimated that some 3,000 people are employed in the medical profession in an around Harley Street. It looks as if the Street with continue with its noble trade for some years yet.
Tony Heywood ©
Medical Rooms
Harley Street Rooms to Let
Okuningi Izindatshana ze-Harley Street
Umlando we-Harley Street
U-Harley Street uvame ukubizwa ngokuthi “ILondon Medical” ngenxa yokuthi inokunye okugxilwe kakhulu kobuchwepheshe bezokwelapha emhlabeni. Ngesithunzi sesikhathi eside njengesikhungo sobungcweti bezokwelapha ezizimele, Ukuhlangana kwasekuqaleni kuka-Harley Street nemithi kungalandelelwa emuva emuva 1860 lapho odokotela abaningi bethuthela endaweni ngenxa yendawo emaphakathi kanye nokuba seduze kweziteshi zesitimela ezinkulu, njengeKings Cross, I-St Pancras ne-Marylebone. Kusukela ngekhulu leshumi nesishiyagalolunye inani lodokotela, izibhedlela, imitholampilo yokuhlinza amehlo nezinye izinhlangano zezokwelapha ezisendaweni nasezindaweni ezizungeze u-Harley Street yenyuke kakhulu. Kwakukhona nxazonke 20 odokotela abasebenza endaweni e 1860 futhi ukwanda okuphindwe kashumi kwabhalwa ngu 1914 lapho isibalo sikhuphuka 200. Ezinye izengezo ezimbili ezamukelekile kule ndawo eziphinde zathuthukisa isithunzi sendawo kwakuyi-Medical Society yaseLondon, evulwe kuChandos Street ku 1873 kanye neRoyal Society of Medicine eyaqala ngo 1912 ku-Wimpole Street.Eminyakeni edlule u-Harley Street ube yikhaya lochwepheshe bezokwelapha abaningi abadumile. Sir Henry Thompson, udokotela ohlinzayo omkhulu waseBrithani kanye ne-polymath, wasebenza endaweni ngeminyaka yawo-1870s futhi waqhubeka waqokwa njengodokotela ohlinzayo omkhulu weNkosi yaseBrussels.Udokotela u-Edward Bach wayezilolongela kusukela ku-Harley Street ngeminyaka yawo-1920 ngaphambi kokuthuthela eLondon Homeopathic Hospital wabe esethuthukisa i-Bach Flower Remedies namanje edumile namuhla. Ngokusobala izikhathi zishintshile kusukela ngekhulu leshumi nesishiyagalolunye lapho odokotela bebezosungula indawo yokuhlinza emzini wabo futhi bazihlelele izikhathi zabo zokubonana futhi u-Harley Street uyaqhubeka nokuchuma njengesikhungo sazo zonke izinto zokwelapha.. Akudingekile ukusho ukuthi imitholampilo etholakala lapha inikeza ubuchwepheshe bamuva kanye nobuchwepheshe bezokwelapha obuhamba phambili bezwe. Namuhla sekuphelile 3,000 abantu abaqashwe endaweni ehlinzeka ngezinsiza eziningi zezempilo, kusukela emuthini ohambisanayo kuya ekuhlinzeni ngepulasitiki. Ngakho-ke noma ngabe ufuna ukuhlinzwa kwamehlo nge-laser e-London noma udinga nje ukubhalisa ku-GP uqinisekile ukuthi uthola okudingayo lapha i-Harley Street yenza indawo efiseleka kakhulu ongaprakthiza kuyo futhi indawo iyaqhubeka nokuheha inqwaba yabantu. odokotela abaphezulu, kusukela kodokotela abahlinza amehlo nodokotela kuya kodokotela bengqondo nodokotela abahlinzayo bepulasitiki. Uma udinga ukufika ku-Harley Street ukuze uthole i-aphoyintimenti khona-ke unezinketho eziningi ongakhetha kuzo. Uma ubamba ishubhu ungehla ku-Bond Street noma e-Oxford Circus uye endaweni eseningizimu, kuyilapho i-Regents Park kanye ne-Great Portland Street ilele enyakatho ukuze ukwazi ukubamba kalula ishubhu ukuze ilingane ncamashi nalapho uya khona.. Yini enye, Iziteshi zikaloliwe i-Marylebone ne-Euston zombili ziseduze futhi izindawo zokupaka izimoto e-Portland Place naku-Harley Street zenza ukuphila kube lula kulabo abafika ngemoto..