IHarley Street yisifunda saseLondon esifana nebhizinisi lezokwelapha. Lo mgwaqo usuka eningizimu usuka eningizimu yeRegents Park uye enyakatho noMortimer Street. Itholakala eduze ne-Oxford Street. Kunenqwaba yezinsizakalo eziqhubekayo lapho ku-Harley Street. Back in time, in the 18th century this place was nothing but a collection of few houses just as a village in Marylebone. As London grew and Marylebone got developed, Harley Street also began to expand. The housing style changed to Georgian style housing. Therefore, it came to be recognized as a characterized area of London. Later in 1911, this street was passed on to Henrietta Cavendish Holles. Holles later married Edward Harley. Therefore, the street is named after Edward Harley. Later in 1715 futhi 1720, the area was developed into a large residential estate.
Ukwenza i-tattoo yinto entsha kepha akuyona neze into elula ukuyenza. Kunzima kakhulu ukumelana nobuhlungu okufanele umuntu abhekane nabo ngenkathi kwenziwa i-tattoo. Udinga ukuthatha ezinye izindlela eziningi zokuqapha. Futhi, qiniseka ukuthi noma ngubani owenza i-tattoo kumele abe nolwazi oluningi mayelana nezinqubo ezahlukahlukene njengokuvala inzalo futhi kufanele athathe zonke izindlela zokuzivikela ezidingekayo. Ukwenza i-tattoo kuhilela umthwalo omkhulu wemfanelo. Futhi, i tattoo aftercare inqubo ebucayi. You should take very serious care of the tattoo after you get it done. As soon as the tattoo is done, you need to time yourself. Atleast tie a bandage to the tattoo till two hours. Make sure that you use an antiseptic when you remove the bandage. It is very important to regularly clean up the tattoo. Avoid hot water bath till two weeks of the tattoo. Peeling and scabbing is normal for a few days. If you feel uncomfortable feel free to remove it nut do not rub. Do not expose your tattoo to the sun.
Our Harley Street Botox is a technique which is used to relax the muscles and give a smoother look to the face. There a lot of other ways to get a natural and smooth look for your face. Ungazama izinto ezahlukahlukene zemvelo ukwanelisa inhloso yakho kunokuba wenze ukuhlinzwa kwezokwelapha njengeBotox. Le ndlela yezokwelapha isetshenziswe ngaphezu kweminyaka ngezinhloso eziningi.