Cishe yonke imigwaqo yaseLondon ikhethekile ngezindlela eziningi kanti nemigwaqo yayo eminingi eyaziwayo yaseLondon iye yaqoshwa iphimbo njengaku ?Vumela?bonke behla eStrand?.
IStrand ingumgwaqo omatasa kakhulu onezitolo, amahhovisi nezindawo zokudlela kodwa kuze kube kwakhiwa iVictoria Embankment ku 1860?kwakuyindlela nje engcolile emfuleni. Ngakho-ke yayigcwele izindlu zasemanzini ezinamakhosi afakiwe kubandakanya iSavoy Palace; esikhundleni salo manje uzobona i-Savoy Hotel kanye ne-Palace of the Dukes of Somerset okuyindawo yanamuhla yeSomerset House. Ekupheleni kweStrand ungathola iTemple Bar enokuxhumana kwayo okungokomthetho kanye ne-Old Bailey.
Olunye uhlangothi lweThempeli Bar ungabona iFleet Street, ihabhu lomhlaba wephephandaba, yaqanjwa ngegama lomfula iFleet, kwakuwumgwaqo owawuxhumanisa iDolobha neWestminster. Yize ukushicilela kuqale kuFleet Street ku 1500?s the newspapers have now moved to sites like Wapping and Canary Wharf and the last major news office, Reuters, moved away in 2005. It is also affiliated with the legendary Sweeney Todd, the devil barber of Fleet Street who killed off his customers and had them made into pies by his partner in crime Mrs. Lovett.
The most known London streets are Regent Street and Oxford Street. These are the two important shopping streets in London, nge-Oxford Street enezitolo ezinkulu ezinjengeSelfridges noJohn Lewis kanti uRegent Street udume kakhulu ngezitolo ezinjengeLibertys nesitolo samathoyizi esaziwa kakhulu iHamleys.
ICarnaby Street idumile ngeminyaka yama-1960s njengendawo yokuthenga imfashini impela kusuka emfashini othile kubaklami abathuka kakhulu.
Awukho uMgwaqo emhlabeni onemitholampilo nezibhedlela eziningi zokuhlola ezizimele njengoHarley Street enkabeni yeLondon.
Mayelana noMlobi
Vakashela eLondon Minicab KANYE noHeathrow Minicab
Okuhlobene Izindatshana ze-Harley Street