Nearly all street in London is special in many way and many of its well-known London streets have been recorded in vocal as in ?Let?s all go down the Strand?.
The Strand is a very busy road lined with shops, offices and restaurants but until the construction of the Victoria Embankment in the 1860?s it was just a dirty path along the river. Thus it was lined with waterside mansions of landed gentry including the Savoy Palace; 在它的位置上,您现在将看到萨沃伊饭店以及萨默塞特公爵宫,今天是萨默塞特故居的所在地. 在Strand的尽头,您可以找到坦普尔酒吧(Temple Bar)及其法律关系和旧贝利(Old Bailey).
圣殿酒吧的另一侧可以看到舰队街, 报纸世界的枢纽, 以河舰队的名字命名, 这是将城市与威斯敏斯特连接起来的道路. 尽管出版始于 1500?现在报纸已经转移到Wapping和Canary Wharf等站点,以及最近的主要新闻办公室, 路透社, 搬进 2005. 它也隶属于传奇的Sweeney Todd, Fleet Street的恶魔理发师,杀死了他的顾客,并由他的犯罪同伴将他们制成馅饼. 洛维特.
伦敦最著名的街道是摄政街和牛津街. 这是伦敦的两个重要购物街, 牛津街(Oxford Street)拥有塞弗里奇(Selfridges)和约翰·刘易斯(John Lewis)等所有大商店,而摄政街(Regent Street)则以自由百货(Libertys)和著名玩具商店Hamleys等商店而闻名.
卡纳比街(Carnaby Street)在1960年代闻名遐as,是一个向更离谱的设计师购买真正新潮甚至特定时装的地方.
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