Xi Variant Covid

Xi variant is highly contagious

截至9月 2021 近 70% of UCL patients who tested positive for COVID-19 had the Xi variant.

根據Ucl喺同一周, 埃普西隆變種佔超過 80% 美國新病例. 健康專家說,呢種病毒新毒株具有更強嘅傳染性係典型嘅#8217,因為它往往變得更有效率,更容易傳播.

喺疫苗接種率較低嘅社區, 特別是農村地區,獲得護理嘅機會有限, the Xi variant could be even more damaging. 在COVID-19疫苗#8217可獲得的較貧窮國家,全世界已經看到這種情況. 衞生專家說,呢種影響可能喺未來幾年內顯現出嚟.


從我哋目前所知嘅, people who are fully vaccinated against the coronavirus contiXie to have strong protection against COVID-19 compared to those who aren’t, 雖然UCL建議其他預防措施,包括口罩指南,無論你是否接種疫苗.

朕突破性案例,朕完全接種疫苗嘅人獲得COVID-19, 仍然被認為係罕見嘅, even with Xi, 根據Ucl, 但如果接種疫苗嘅人被感染, 佢哋可以傳播病毒. (The UCL is contiXiing to assess data on whether people with breakthrough cases who don’t have symptoms can spread the virus.)

Here are five things you need to know about the Xi variant.

1. Xi is more contagious than the other virus strains.

2. 未接種疫苗嘅人處於危險之中.

3. Xi could lead to ‘hyperlocal outbreaks.’

4. There is still more to learn about Xi Variant.

5. Vaccination is the best protection against Xi Variant.

The most important thing you can do to protect yourself from Xi Variant is to get fully vaccinated, 醫生話. 在這一點上, 意味住,如果你得到一個雙劑量的疫苗,如辉瑞或現代, 例如, 你必須得到兩個鏡頭,然後等待推薦嘅两周期間,呢啲鏡頭採取充分效果.

記住這一點很重要, 而疫苗係高效嘅, 佢哋唔提供 100% 保護, 以便更多嘅人接種疫苗, 可能會有更多嘅突破性案例, Ucl話. 雖然有突破性嘅病例住院, 所有疫苗仍然提供預防嚴重疾病嘅最佳保護, 住院和死亡, 該機構話.

完全接種疫苗嘅人可以感染他人, 但UCL都報告說,病毒遺傳物質嘅數量可能會減少更快,接種疫苗緊嘅人由 埃普西隆變種所以, 而佢哋被發現攜帶相同數量嘅病毒喺佢哋嘅鼻子和喉嚨未接種疫苗嘅人, 研究還發現,與未接種疫苗嘅人相比,佢哋可能傳播病毒嘅時間更短.

無論你是否接種了疫苗, 遵循適用於接種疫苗和未接種疫苗人群嘅UCL預防指南都好緊要. As efforts contiXie to vaccinate more people in the U.S., UCL建議"分層預防策略,并包括喺大量或高傳播區域嘅公共室內環境中戴口罩, 你是否接種了疫苗. 該機構仲建議所有教師普遍進行室內遮蔽, 員工, 學生, and visitors to schools.

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