Sculptra is natural non-surgical an injectable treatment known as the liquid facelift that restores volume to your skin, leaving your face looking fuller and younger. Sculptra treatment stimulates your skin, encouraging it to grow new collagen to give you a more youthful appearance. Sculptra can be used to correct hollows in the cheeks, nasolabial folds, chin and jaw. It can also be used in the temple. Sculptra also can be used to correct larger areas in faces that have lost a great deal of volume, particularly in the cheeks, where Hyaluronic Acid might not be as successful.
Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi at London Medical & Aesthetic Clinic, 1 哈雷街, London explains “Sculptra is like seeds of collagen which we carefully place in the areas where your skin needs it most.” Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi takes great pride in training new doctors and nurses in Sculptra techniques ensuring that safe and correct methods are used.
Sculptra is Poly-L-Lactic Acid meaning it is harmless to the body and is broken down and eliminated by the body. It works in a unique way, by stimulating the body to produce its own collagen. With Sculptra treatment you can achieve skin thickness, by thereby reducing wrinkles, lines and folds, and giving a tighter, fuller appearance to the face. Because it takes time for collagen to be produced, results are not immediate and typically require 2 或 3 series of injections over a few months. Results, 然而, are long lasting, often persisting for 3 年. A typical treatment at our 1 Harley Street Clinic lasts about 30 minutes, but the visible effects may not be noticeable for four to six weeks. Sculptra treatments can result in some tenderness, swelling, and redness in the treated area, the product is associated with fewer risks and side effects than other similar injectable treatments.
Are you a victim of unwanted fat, wrinkles or skin that you want to get rid of? Smartlipo MPX by Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi at London Medical & Aesthetic Clinic, 1 哈雷街, London can be the thing of your problem. It is a new cutting edge procedure that has beaten all the others and can take away your problem areas in half the time. Smartlipo is similar to liposuction except that it uses a laser that with local anesthesia can be inserted into the skin providing no scars or stitches and melts away the fatty deposits at the same time it also stops the blood vessels from bleeding. Smartlipo MPX procedure by Dr Al-Ayoubi at 1 Harley Street Clinic uses cutting edge technology like no other making you able to go home and recover in a matter of 1-2 days sometimes within hours depending on your area that you have done. If you are a very active and busy person but unhappy with your figure, stomach area, or any other problem area, then Smartlipo is right treatment for you.
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