With age the skin has a loss of firmness and elasticity. 1 Xarli ko'chasi, London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic provides Sculptra to treat the deep nosalabial folds, hollow, sunken cheeks or thin, depressed looking areas of the face. Sculptra is also used to reduce the appearance of lines and deep scars. London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic is one of the leading Harley Street clinics in Sculptra in the UK. Dr Ayoubi is a renowned Sculptra Surgeon and he is an internationally recognised expert and lecturer in the procedure. Sculptra is FDA-approved substance. Sculptra is different from other hyaluronic acid dermal fillers that merely plump the skin for a short time. Sculptra is the only volumasing filler that actually stimulates body to produce its own collagen; shuning uchun Sculptra uzoq umr yaratadi, tabiiy ko'rinish.
Sculptra plomba moddasi terining qalinligini sezilarli darajada oshiradi, shuningdek Sculptra chandiqlar ko'rinishini yaxshilaydi, burmalar, va ichi bo'sh, o'rtaning botgan joylari- va yuzning ajin tushadigan joyi, yo'qotish va terini sarkıtma bilan silliqlash va to'ldirish. Sculptra bilan ishlamay qolish vaqti kam yoki umuman yo'q, muolajalar atigi yarim soat davom etadi.
Doktor Al-Ayubi - bu inqilobiy BodyTite-ni taqdim etgan birinchi Harley Street jarrohidir (Radiochastota yordamidagi liposaktsiya (RFAL) iyun oyida Buyuk Britaniyaga 2009. Doktor Al-Ayoubi tomonidan amalga oshirilgan Body Tite obro'li kosmetik operatsiya hisoblanadi. BodyTite has many advantages and one of the many benefits of the BodyTite procedure is that it can be carried out under local anesthesia. The BodyTite Procedure is fast with minimal bleeding high safety monitoring and immediate post treatment benefits. BodyTite is uniform re-contouring of body with soft-tissue contraction and tightening.
According to Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi at London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic the BodyTite may well revolutionize the world of body contouring and plastic surgery. With early studies showing that BodyTite assisted liposuction is tightening the skin up to 60% more than traditional liposuction.
BodyTite is a minimally invasive procedure performed under local anaesthesia or light sedation. Post procedure patients resume to regular routine shortly after. The patient will be required to wear a compression garment and can resume high impact exercise upon the advice of Doctor.
For more information or to book a consultation with Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi
at London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic, 1 Xarli ko'chasi, London
Please call 0208 342 1100 or email us at info@Lmaclinic.com
Ko'proq ma'lumot olish Harley Street klinikasi maqolalari