DePuy “zaharli” Hip joylashtiradigan

So called “toxic” Hip Tanaga Jonson tomonidan sotildi & Johnson yordamchi, Depuy..

A sharh Jonson tomonidan ichki o'tkazilgan & Johnson soon after it recalled a troubled hip implant found that the company had not adequately assessed the device’s potential risks before it was used in more than 90,000 patients.

Toxic hip implants used in thousands of operations in Britain were sold by a company which knew for at least three years that they could be dangerous, it was claimed today.

Johnson&Jonson yordamchi DePuy ular bemorlar uchun xavfli ekanini bir top jarroh go'yoki ishlab chiqaruvchining rahbarlari biri jonli qaramay "metall-on-metall" hip Tanaga reklama.

bemorlarning yuzlab endi, dumba o'rniga ega bo'lgan, hayot uchun oxirgi mo'ljallangan qaysi, DePuy qaramay go'yo doimo ularning ta'siri haqida ogohlantirilgandan keyin, Daily Telegraph xabar.

bir soni bor Harley Street Hip almashtirish klinikalar buzuq Depuy dumba uchun, deb taklif almashtirish.

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