Upasuaji wa matiti – mpya mpya wewe

Ever wished that you had larger or smaller breasts? This is now possible with breast surgery or breast augmentation surgery at London’s Harley Street Aesthetic Surgery. This procedure by expert cosmetic surgeon Dr Rajan Uppal is a type of plastic surgery that results in breast enhancement. This option has become the preferred choice among women who want to enhance the size and volume of their breasts. With this procedure, smaller breasts can look larger, matiti ambayo yanaonekana ya usawa yanaweza kusawazishwa na kuuma matiti kwa sababu ya umri au ujauzito huweza kurejeshwa kuonekana kamili. Hakuna ndogo zaidi, matiti ya kulegea au kulegalega!

Je! Upasuaji wa kuongeza matiti unajumuisha nini?

Unapoamua kwenda kwa upasuaji wa kuongeza matiti katika London Harley Street Aesthetic Surgery, mchakato huo unajumuisha kuweka vipandikizi vya matiti ya silicone au salini. Uwekaji huu unaweza kuwa nyuma ya tishu za matiti au chini tu ya misuli ya kifua. Wakati hii imefanywa, it enhances the shape and increases the size of the breasts, making it appear fuller.

There are different types of breast augmentation surgery involving different types of incisions during surgery. The procedure is not a complex one and is likely to take up to two hours and done under general anesthesia. The implants can vary in texture and range from liquid silicone, silicone-gel or saline solution. Gel implants are usually recommended. You can choose the size and position that best match your body type.

Your surgeon will discuss the type of incision, the type and position of your breast implants. You will also receive advice on how to look after yourself after the breast implantation surgery.

How much do breast implants cost?

This depends on the exact procedure you opt for and includes general anesthesia, the implants, choice of implant material, surgery, and duration of stay at the hospital, medications and after-surgery care.

Interested in knowing how you can have perfect breasts?

Kuamua kuingia katika upasuaji wa kuongeza matiti ni ya kibinafsi. Kwa kawaida, unaweza kutarajia kujisikia ujasiri zaidi na kuonekana mchanga na bora. Tunatumia teknolojia ya kompyuta kukuonyesha jinsi utakavyoonekana na matiti yako mapya. Hii itakusaidia kutazama chaguzi tofauti. Ili kujua zaidi juu ya jinsi unavyoweza kufaidika na upasuaji wa kuongeza matiti katika London Harley Street Aesthetic Surgery, weka ushauri wako wa bure leo. Tupigie simu sasa.?

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