Liposuction Harley Street
Liposuction Harley Street – Laser Liposuction is available in Harley Street and the treatment process can be summarised below.
Firstly, your physician will mark on your body the precise areas to be treated.
Then, after numbing your skin with a tiny amount of anesthetic solution, your physician may inject a numbing solution topically as well as under your skin (known as tumescent anesthesia) to ensure you feel no pain throughout the procedure.
After making a small incision (1 ka 3 millimeters), your physician will insert the small cannula (less than 1/8 inches in diameter) containing the laser fiber and use it to direct energy at the unwanted fat cells. As the fat is liquefied, it drains away and becomes absorbed by the body.
Any liquefied fat that is left will be carefully suctioned out. Although you’ll be comfortable during the procedure, you may feel some tugging and perhaps even some mild stinging while you’re being treated.
The length of the procedure will depend on how large an area you’re having treated, but most treatment sessions last from 1 ka 3 hours.
If a particularly large amount of fat is being removed, you may need a second session. These are usually scheduled several months after the first one.
The technology for laser-assisted lipolysis is being constantly improved and updated. Here are some of the latest options currently available.
Your physician will advise you on which option is best for you. Of course, make sure you choose a physician who is skilled and experienced with this technology.
SmartLipo pioneered the laser liposuction method of fat removal. In 2006, it became the first such procedure to receive the approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Its initial laser used a 1064 nm wavelength to dissolve the fat and coagulate (seal off) blood vessels. A newer generation of the technology, SmartLipo MPX combines the 1064 nm wavelength with a 1320 nm wavelength for greater effectiveness. SmartLipo is made by Cynosure Inc. of Westford, Massachusetts and Laser Lipo
This method of laser-assisted lipolysis delivers a continuous wave (980 nm) of energy to zap and dissolve unwanted adipose (fat) tissue. The uniformity of this approach may lower the risk of thermal (heat) injuries. SmoothLipo, which is manufactured by the New Hampshire-based Elemé Medical company, received FDA approval in 2008.
Manufactured and marketed by Syneron Medical, LipoLite uses a 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser, which delivers easily controlled pulses of energy at very rapid repetitions to the targeted fat cells. LipoLite received FDA approval in 2008 for laser-assisted lipolysis and other dermatological procedures.
Lifesculpt, previously known as SlimLipo, uses dual 924 nm and 975 nm wavelengths, a combo that its manufacturer, Palomar Medical Technologies, claims is more efficient than those used by some of the other laser-assisted lipolysis technologies. It received FDA approval in spring 2008.
Cool Lipo
CoolLipo uses a 1320 nm wavelength to ablate fat and tighten skin. Its manufacturer, CoolTouch Inc, claims that its wavelength is more highly absorbed by fat cells, thus providing greater results than technologies with lower wavelengths. The FDA approved CoolLipo for laser-assisted lipolysis in 2008; it’s also approved for other dermatologic treatments such as ilipo
i-Lipo ™ teh panganyarna dina laser lipolysis, maturan anjeun cara pikeun ngahontal leungitna inci sarta contouring awakna kalawan henteu nyeri, euweuh jarum jeung euweuh waktu ka handap.
How does i-Lipo Laser Liposuction work?
The i-Lipo emits tingkat low énergi laser, nu nyiptakeun sinyal kimiawi dina sél lemak, Ngarecah trigliserida nu disimpen jadi asam lemak bébas jeung gliserol sarta ngaleupaskeun eta ngaliwatan saluran dina mémbran sél.. Asam lemak sareng gliserol teras diangkut kana awak ka jaringan anu bakal dianggo nalika métabolisme pikeun nyiptakeun énergi.. Prosés sékrési asam lemak ieu mangrupikeun réspon alami awak nalika awak kedah nganggo cadangan énergi anu disimpen, sahingga i-Lipo henteu nyiptakeun réaksi anu teu wajar dina awak sareng henteu mangaruhan atanapi ngaruksak struktur sakurilingna sapertos kulit., pembuluh darah sareng saraf periferal. Mangsa latihan sanggeus perlakuan bakal mastikeun métabolisme lengkep sahingga ngaleungitkeun tina awak asam lemak bébas.
Naha i-Lipo?
The i-Lipo system has many advantages over other similar systems for liposuction harley street.
Ieu ngan sababaraha!
Clinically proven Laser Liposuction
Studi klinis bebas nunjukkeun i-Lipo, dina sababaraha kasus, dibandingkeun sareng hasil anu dihontal ku liposuction. Ultrasound imagery nembongkeun nepi ka 30% ngurangan jero lapisan gajih sanggeus ngan hiji perlakuan. Pangobatan tambahan ningkatkeun hasil salajengna. Hasilna tiasa ditingali langsung saatos unggal perlakuan nalika eusi sél lemak dileupaskeun. Perawatan pasca latihan ringan tiasa ngagancangkeun ngaleungitkeun lemak anu dileupaskeun .
Affordable Laser Liposuction treatment
Dibandingkeun sareng liposuction bedah sareng téknik Ultrasound atanapi laser i-Lipo langkung mirah kalayan hasil anu sami..
Safe and Painless Laser Liposuction
i-Lipo ngagunakeun tingkat low lampu laser beureum katempo pikeun nyieun éfék bio-stimulasi aman tur henteu aya rasa nyeri dina jaringan lemak sasaran.. Stimulasi ieu mangrupikeun jalur kimiawi normal anu dianggo ku awak pikeun ngosongkeun sumber énergi nalika diperyogikeun, jadi abdi-Lipo teu ngahasilkeun naon épék abnormal dina awak atawa awak ruksakna jaringan kayaning sél, pembuluh getih atawa saraf sabudeureunana atawa organ vital. Pangobatan tiasa dilakukeun dina sadaya jinis kulit sareng daérah awak dimana lemak anu teu dihoyongkeun disimpen sareng anjeun tiasa balik deui ka kagiatan normal saatos perlakuan..
Immediate results with Laser Liposuction
Hasilna tiasa ditingali langsung saatos perlakuan. Ilaharna leungitna 2-4cm dina kuriling beuteung bisa dihontal ku unggal perlakuan. Hiji kursus 8 perlakuan disarankeun leuwih 4 minggu jeung 2 perlakuan per minggu.
Targeted fat reduction with i-lipo
i-Lipo tiasa nargétkeun ngirangan gajih di daérah masalah khusus. Ku positioning nu hampang laser dina aréa target kayaning gado, leungeun luhur, gajih beuteung atawa pingping bisa direcah sarta dipiceun husus ti wewengkon éta. Ieu mangrupikeun kauntungan anu ageung pikeun diet sareng latihan anu tiasa ngirangan gajih awak sadayana tapi henteu ngabentuk daérah individu.
Desain inovatif
Sistim nu geus dirancang ku opat pilihan Pad totaling 36 individual treatment Lasers enabling operators to reduce treatment time using liposuction harley street
Didamel & dijaga di Inggris.
Teu kawas sistim leuwih mahal lianna i-Lipo geus dijieun sarta dijaga di Inggris ku Chromogenex salah sahiji alam pangpanjangna ngadegkeun pausahaan laser kosmetik.
Liposuction Cost UK
In the UK, liposuction cost ranges from about £2,000 to £20,000, depending on the Harley Street clinic and the body areas being treated.
Prices will range also according to the size of the area being treated.
For a very large stomach / abdomen the price may increase.
Howeever for Liposuction on a smaller area such as “Ngendali Asih” – removing fats from this area can cost between £2500 and £8000.