Zygoma dental implants are a modern teeth implant treatment, initially developed by Professor Per Ingvar Brånemark in the eighties. Also referred to as zygomatic implants, zygoma teeth implants are longer than regular dental implants, extending up to 55 mm, compared to the standard 10 -15 mm. They are usually recommended to replace missing teeth in the upper jaw, in cases where severe bone resorption is present in the maxilla. Compared to normal teeth implants which are inserted in the jawbone, zygoma teeth implants are placed in the cheekbones.
Temporary tooth restorations like traditional dentures are not usually considered ideal for people with high levels of jaw bone resorption, as they are not considered to be effective treatments to prevent further bone loss. Patients with insufficient bone quality may also be unable to have regular dental implant treatment or overdentures, without first undergoing bone graft treatment. Zygoma implants in some cases can offer such patients durable long lasting teeth, without the need to have to undergo additional bone grafting procedures.
Implantation Procedure
Prosedur pikeun nempatkeun implan huntu zygoma umumna henteu langkung invasif tibatan nempatkeun implan gigi tradisional, sareng biasana dilakukeun dina dua tahap. Salila tahap kahiji, tulisan susuk dipasang dina pipi, ngalangkungan panggunaan scan komputer anu ngabantosan pituduh susuk sapanjang jalur panempatan anu leres, ngaliwatan sinus. Sababaraha dinten engké, sasak akrilik samentawis tiasa napel na implengan dental zygoma. Ngegel sasak teras diparios sareng disaluyukeun saluyu.
Salami sababaraha sasih salajengna, tulang dina pipi teras tumbuh sakitar implengan gigi zygoma, dugi ka sacara efektif ngahiji sareng aranjeunna. Prosés ieu disebut osseointegration. Nalika implantologist huntu anu ditunjuk nangtoskeun yén tulang parantos nyageurkeun kalayan nyugemakeun, sasak akhir didamel tina akrilik atanapi porselin tiasa dipasangkeun kana susuk, pikeun ngarengsekeun restorasi waos.
Kauntungan utama tina implan huntu zygoma nyaéta:
– They do not require bone grafts.
– They need fewer appointments than regular dental implants.
– They have a shorter treatment time.
– They have a higher success rate than dental implants placed after bone graft procedures.
The Harley Street Dental Clinic in London is a premier dental practice, which specialises in teeth implant treatments. Mangtaun-taun, the highly skilled dental team at The Harley Street Dental Clinic have developed an outstanding reputation, for which they have been featured in leading newspapers like The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, and The London Evening Standard.
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