111 Jalan Harley: Mangpaat bedah irung

Alesan kéngingkeun Bedah Sinus

Bedah sinus mangrupakeun pilihan anu épéktip pikeun jalma anu kaserang inféksi sinus kronis atanapi panyakit anu henteu ngaréspon pangobatan médis anu henteu invasif. Sinitis parah, polip sinus / irung, structural abnormalities within the nose and/or nasal passages and, more rarely, cancer of the sinuses are common reasons why sinus surgery is recommended.
Immediate Sinus Surgery Benefits

A functional endoscopy of the sinuses allows a surgeon to examine the interior of nasal passages, enlarge passageways to enhance drainage and remove tissue that may be promoting sinusitis. Following a functional endoscopic surgery, patients can breathe easier and will notice significantly reduced sinusitis symptoms.

A procedure involving the insertion of a tiny inflatable balloon into the sinus passages (balloon sinuplasty) widens nasal airways to improve breathing as well. Both balloon sinuplasty and functional endoscopy provides rapid relief from the inability to breathe normally.
How Sinus Surgery Can Benefit You and Your General Health

In addition to opening inflamed and swelled sinus passages, sinus surgery also offers the following benefits beyond helping you breathe easier:
Reduces Symptoms of Halitosis (Bad Breath)

Sinus anu sesah ngabareuhan salaku réspon kana virus atanapi baktéri anu nyerang jaringan séhat sareng ngahasilkeun réspon peradangan tina jaringan ieu. Nalika saluran napas dikepitan, jalma ngagunakeun napas ngaliwatan sungut aranjeunna kecuali lamun nyandak decongestants atanapi nganggo semprot irung. Napas sungut ngabalukarkeun kaayaan sungut garing anu ngagampangkeun tumuhna baktéri anaérobik kusabab kurangna aliran ciduh dina sungut.

Bakteri anaérobik ngahasilkeun sanyawa sulfur anu ngaluarkeun bau bahaya. Disebut sanyawa walirang volatil, baktéri ieu nyerna lebu lisan sapertos partikel dahareun sareng mukus. Nalika anjeun ngagaduhan alergi atanapi sinusitis kronis, kaleueutna mukus anu dihasilkeun ku jaringan sinus anu kasurupan biasana kandel, anu nyayogikeun tambahan "tuangeun" baktéri pikeun dikonsumsi.
Kaayaan Bedah garing sareng Sinus

Kamacetan konstan kusabab sinusitis kronis atanapi teu normal struktural maksa anjeun ngambekan ngalangkungan sungut anjeun. Wajar, sungut anjeun tetep garing sareng pasty kaseueuran waktos. Lack of adequate saliva flow and oxygen molecules included in saliva has a significantly negative impact on the health of your teeth and gums.

When your mouth is dry due to lack of saliva, food particles, dead skin cells and other oral debris do not get rinsed off teeth and gums. Nor are acids destructive to dental enamel neutralized by saliva. Consequently, people who continue suffering dry mouth due to sinus infections or diseases often develop dental problems such as increasing cavities, gum disease and potentially, periodontitis.
Improve Quality of Sleep

When you can’t breathe normally, you can’t sleep well. According to the CDC, poor sleep is associated with the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, weight gain/obesity and psychological issues (depression, anxiety).

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