Restoring Lost Teeth with Dental Implants

Meno a hau a tšoana le lebokose le hlahang hang-hang. Ha u lahleheloa ke leino, ka lebaka lefe kapa lefe, o kanna oa qala ho ba le phetoho e kholo ho bokhoni ba hau ba ho ja, mmoho le chebahalo ya hao le boitshepo. Lintho tseo u neng u li nka habobebe joaloka ho ja lijo tseo u li ratang haholo, ho aka batho bao u ba ratang kapa ho bososela ka boitšepo ho ka ba thata. Maemong a joalo, batho ba bangata ka lekhetlo la pele ba qala ho elelloa hore na meno a bona a bohlokoa hakae molemong oa bona oa ho hohela le ho phela. Kajeno, leha ho le joalo, ka tsoelo-pele ea theknoloji ea ho kenya meno, ho hlaseloa ke meno e ka ba ntho ea nako e fetileng.

Kliniki ea meno ea Harley Street ke e 'ngoe ea litsi tse etelletseng pele tsa bokhabane ba meno London, e sebetsanang le ho beha menoana ea meno. E boetse e tsejoa e le lisebelisoa tsa meno, Metsoako ea meno ke metso e nyane ea titanium eo ho nang le leino la maiketsetso ho eona. Lingaka tsa meno tleliniking ea rona e London li sebelisa mahlale a morao-rao a kentsoeng meno ho etsa ts'ebetso ka thello le ntle le bohloko kamoo ho ka khonehang. Pele ts'ebetso ea meno e etsoa, lingaka tsa rona tsa meno li sebelisa theknoloji ea sejoale-joale ea litšoantšo tsa likhomphutha ho bontša bakuli hore na meno a bona a tla hlaha joang kamora hore ts'ebetso e phetheloe, etsa bonnete ba hore ba nka karolo mohatong o mong le o mong oa ts'ebetso.

Metsoako ea meno e na le likarolo tse tharo - ho kengwa titanium, abutment le screw e ts'oereng. When they are assembled together, they can be approximately two centimetres in length. Dental implants come in different sizes and shapes, enabling our dentists at The Harley Street Dental Clinic to find the best solution for every patient’s individual needs. After dental implants are inserted, the procedure is usually completed by placing porcelain crowns or bridges.

Advanced dental anaesthesia has led to it being possible to perform teeth implant procedures in a pain free manner. At The Harley Street Dental Clinic, we are totally focused on pain free dentistry, as patient comfort is a top priority for us. We also use specialist dental software, which provides us with three dimensional images of a patient’s dental anatomy. This technology gives us precise information about jawbone density, location of tooth roots and nerves, which we can use to perform dental implant procedures of the highest quality, with minimal discomfort to our patients.

Dental implants are a durable permanent solution to missing teeth. Every year, dentists around the world place thousands of teeth implants, ranging from single tooth restorations to entire sets of teeth. As dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth, the demand for the procedure has been growing at a steady rate.

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