Mofuta oa Teko ea Roche Covid19 Coronavirus

Roche Covid19 Test Kit e fumaneha ho reka ho tsa tliliniki ea Harley St.

Sekiti sa tlhahlobo ea Roche Covid19 se tsoa ho $ 350.

Teko ea Roche SARS-CoV-2 e fana ka liphetho tse tšepahalang le tse phahameng bakeng sa ho etsa liqeto tsa kliniki.

Tlhahlobo e boetse e nolofalletsa taolo e ntlafalitsoeng ea bakuli ba COVID-19 le ho fokotsa kotsi ea SARS-CoV-2 (ioronavirus) ts'oaetso.

Clinic ea Harley Street:
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