Migwagwa yeLondon

Inenge nzira yese muLondon yakakosha munzira dzakawanda uye dzakawanda dzayo dzinozivikanwa mumigwagwa yeLondon dzakanyorwa mune izwi seku ?Regai?s vese vanoenda pasi kuStrand?.

Iyo Strand mugwagwa wakabatikana zvikuru une zvitoro, mahofisi nemaresitorendi asi kusvika kuvakwa kweVictoria Embankment mu 1860?s yaingova nzira yakasviba parwizi. Nekudaro yaive yakarongedzwa nenzvimbo dzemvura dzemvura dzimba dzekudyara dzinosanganisira Savoy Palace; in its place you will now see the Savoy Hotel as well as the Palace of the Dukes of Somerset which today is the site of Somerset House. At the end of the Strand you can find Temple Bar with its legal connections and the Old Bailey.

The other side of Temple Bar you can see Fleet Street, the hub of the newspaper world, and named after the river Fleet, it was the road that linked the City to Westminster. Although publishing began in Fleet Street in the 1500?s the newspapers have now moved to sites like Wapping and Canary Wharf and the last major news office, Reuters, moved away in 2005. It is also affiliated with the legendary Sweeney Todd, the devil barber of Fleet Street who killed off his customers and had them made into pies by his partner in crime Mrs. Lovett.

The most known London streets are Regent Street and Oxford Street. These are the two important shopping streets in London, neOxford Street iine zvitoro zvese zvikuru seSelfridges naJohn Lewis nepo Regent Street ichinyatso kuzivikanwa nezvitoro zvakaita seLibertys uye inozivikanwa chitoro chetoyi Hamleys.

Carnaby Street ine mukurumbira muma1960 senzvimbo yekutenga yakanyatsonaka kusvika kune imwe fashoni kubva kune vanonyanyisa vagadziri.

Hapana Mugwagwa pasi rose une makiriniki mazhinji nezvipatara zvakavanzika seHarley Street iri pakati peLondon.

Pamusoro peMunyori

Shanyira London Minicab Uye Heathrow Minicab

Yakabatana Harley Street Zvinyorwa

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Matagi: LondonStreets
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