Nu variant is highly contagious and Infectious
Teraz Variant- v možnom vysvetlení rýchleho šírenia vznikajúceho “nie” variant vírusu SARS-CoV2, a new study has found this particular variant (B.1.1.529) has a much higher ability to infect and evade the immune response built through previous infections or vaccines.
In a study published in Nature journal, a team of researchers from India and other countries has found that the NU variant (or B.1.1.529 lineage) was eight times more likely to escape immunity gained through AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccines compared to the original virus.
Tiež, the NU variant was six times more likely to re-infect people who have recovered from Covid-19.
Podľa UCL v priebehu toho istého týždňa, this new Covid variant accounted for more than 80% nových prípadov v USA. Zdravotnícki experti tvrdia, že pre nový kmeň vírusu je typické, že je nákazlivejší, pretože sa často stáva oveľa efektívnejším a ľahšie sa prenáša.
V komunitách s nižšou zaočkovanosťou, najmä vidiecke oblasti s obmedzeným prístupom k starostlivosti, the Nu variant could be even more damaging. Toto je už vidieť na celom svete v chudobnejších krajinách, kde vakcína COVID-19 nie je taká dostupná. Zdravotnícki experti tvrdia, že dopad bude cítiť ešte desiatky rokov.
Prevládajúci kmeň COVID-19 vrátil dôraz na prevenciu
1. Nu is more contagious than the other virus strains.
2. Neočkovaní ľudia sú ohrození.
3. Nu could lead to ‘hyperlocal outbreaks.’
4. There is still more to learn about Nu Variant.
5. Vaccination is the best protection against Nu Variant.
What do we know so far about this new Covid variant?
Of the 59 laboratory-confirmed cases of the new variant, three were in Botswana, two were in Hong Kong among people who had travelled from South Africa, and the rest were confirmed in South Africa.
Všetok skvapalnený tuk, ktorý zostane, opatrne odsajeme, it is not necessarily time to panic. We simply do not know enough yet about the virulence and transmissibility of this strain. And mutations can work in either direction. But it is further evidence that we cannot assume with Covid that it will naturally evolve to become less potent or simply burn out