Non-invasive Skin Rejuvenating Chemical Peels

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi and London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic 1 Harley Street are proud to offer latest innovative skin rejuvenating chemical peels and cellulite treatments as part of his non –invasive approach to treating the whole person. London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic ultimate goal is always to help you create beauty that shows and age that doesn’t.

London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic, 1 Harley Street, London is proud to be one of the leading clinics in chemical peels in London, बेलायत. पेशेवर मेडिकल टीमको सहि ज्ञानका साथ तपाईले एक युवा चमक प्राप्त गर्नमा सबैभन्दा ठूलो सफलताको अनुभव गर्नुहुनेछ र अन्ततः छाला बुढेसकालको घडी पछाडि फर्काउनुहुनेछ।.

London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic 1 हार्ले स्ट्रीट क्लिनिक सबैभन्दा लोकप्रिय रसायनिक peel retinoic शामेल छ, ग्लाइकोलिक, र ल्याक्टिक एसिडहरू, फेनोल रासायनिक बोक्रा, ओबागी निलो रासायनिक बोक्रा र आईसीपी बोक्रा जुन एक्ने सुधार गर्न अनुकूलित गर्न सकिन्छ, घामको क्षति, aging and oily skin. During your consultation at London Medical & सौन्दर्य क्लिनिक, 1 Harley Street, London experienced medical staff will advise you on what types of chemical peel are most suitable to address your condition and how many chemical peels are required if you have sensitive, problematic, oily, or aging skin.

The formulation of beta hydroxy acids (salicylic acid) is designed to loosen and remove aging and dead skin cells, oil, and debris. For patients with sun damage or dry skin – the alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA) formulated chemical peel is most suitable. This peel exfoliates to accelerate the cell renewal process, stimulates collagen, and improves skin elasticity. Regular use of chemical peels can also decrease fine lines, smooth skin, even out pigmentation, and reduce pore size. The salicylic and AHA chemical peels require no downtime.

The ICP chemical peel is a powerful rejuvenation treatment for stubborn and dense pigmentation. Synergistic ingredients regulate melanin activity, causing the cells to slow down production and function in a more uniform way and works well even on darker toned Asian and Latin skin. More dramatic results will be achieved with the Obagi Blue chemical peel. Most peels are suitable for face and body rejuvenation.

1 Harley Street Medical and Aesthetic Clinic is always one of the first to offer the newest, safest and most advanced non-invasive skin rejuvenating cellulite treatment options. Genetic predisposition, hormones, hydration, diet, exercise, stress, and medications are all factors that can contribute to appearance of cellulite.

Velashape is the first FDA-cleared cellulite treatment to reduce the appearance of cellulite. A machine assisted deep lymphatic drainage technique stimulates the metabolism of fat and produces visible results. Velashape cellulite treatment combination of infrared light, radio frequency and vacuum suction to reduce the appearance of cellulite by facilitating fat metabolism, improve circulation, speed healing post-procedure. Combined energies precisely target and heat fatty tissues within the cellulite treatment area to reveal a smoother, tighter figure.

ट्यागहरू: ChemicalNoninvasivePeelsRejuvenatingSkin
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