Advanced Sculptra los Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi nyob Harley txoj kev

Tsab xov xwm los ntawm Sara Freder

Feem ntau cov teebmeem yog tshwm sim los ntawm tshav ntuj raug. Tus elastic fibers hauv daim tawv nqaij ua fragmented thiab tsis txhawb daim tawv nqaij thaum lawv puas tau yav tas los. Tsis tas li ntawd, ntau zaus, Muaj mob uas tsis muaj roj thiab txawm resorption ntawm cov pob txha (Vim chronologic aging). Qhov txheeb xyuas tau nyob rau hauv ntim ntim.

Yas surgeon Ayham Al-Ayoubi lwm thawj coj ntawm London kho mob & Aesthetic Clinic says “in years past, Ib facelift yog cov lus teb xwb thiab txawm hnub no, Nws yuav xaiv tau qhov zoo tshaj plaws. Tab sis ib facelift tsis restore lub ntim poob ntim. Ntim, sculptra (Polylactic acid) can bring about very satisfactory results”.

Sculptra yog ib tug ntev kawg, Clinically-proven kho dua yuav smooth sib sib zog nqus kab thiab wrinkles thiab restore ntim poob rau lub cev ntuj ageing txheej txheem. Sculptra txhim kho yog kawm tiav, long-lasting thiab muab koj ib nkaus ntuj-nrhiav fuller ntsej muag. Kev tshawb fawb kev tshawb fawb tau pom tias cov Sculptra tau kawg rau peb mus rau tsib xyoos tom qab qhov kev kho zaum kawg lawm tiav, ho ntev dua lwm cov kev kho mob.

sculptra, poly-L-lactic acid, yog ib bio-degradable, synthetic polymer uas tau raug siv nyob rau hauv cov tshuaj rau dua 25 ib xyoos ib yam nrog rau cov qhabnias zoo. Sculptra pab kom collagen ntau lawm, Tej yam khoom uas ua los ntawm lub cev pab sau wrinkles thiab txhim kho daim tawv nqaij fullness, zoo nkauj, thiab elasticity. Sculptra yog tshwj xeeb tshaj yog zoo rau lub wrinkles nyob ib ncig ntawm lub qhov ncauj, xws li nasolabial folds (quav ntawm lub qhov ntswg thiab lub qhov ncauj) thiab marionette kab (cov quav nyob ib ncig ntawm lub ces kaum ntawm lub qhov ncauj). tiam sis, Nws tseem zoo rau sau sunken cheeks, Ua hnab nyob rau hauv lub qhov muag tsawg mas thiab tshem wrinkles thiab nplua kab rau lwm thaj chaw ntawm lub ntsej muag. Cov khoom xyaw hauv Sculptra kuj yuav tau tag nrho nrog lwm cov txheej txheem uas tsis yog-invasive txheej txheem nyob rau London kho mob & Aesthetic Clinic, 1 Txoj kev Harley, London, Laser daim tawv nqaij Rejuvenation, CO2 laser thiab Microdermabrasion, Rau txawm ntau dramatic tau.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubiis proud to introduce Smartlipo MPX laser assisted liposuction – the latest advancement in the evolution of liposuction in to the UK. Smartlipo MPX laser pab liposuction yog ib yam tsawg kawg nkaus invasive txheej txheem uas siv ib laser rau zap unwanted rog ceev, seb ntawm lub ntsej muag, caj dab, sab nraum qab, ncej puab, caj npab. Ua ib tug kws phais specializing hauv Smartlipo thiab feem ntau nyuam qhuav, Dr. Ayoubi yog tej nyob rau hauv correcting liposuction defects nrog Smartlipo laser. Smartlipo MPX tshiab minimally invasive liposuction txheej txheem feem ntau zoo sai, nrog bruising, thiab tsis muaj unsightly scars. Muaj coob tus neeg rov qab mus ua hauj lwm hnub tom ntej los yog tsis pub dhau ob peb hnub.

Bodytite muaj nyav los ua kom muaj ib co buzz hauv cosmetic chaw ua hauj lwm thoob ntiaj teb. Bodytite liposuction siv xov tooj cua frequency tsis mus liquefy thiab tshem tawm cov rog hlwb, tag nrho thaum zawm ntawm daim tawv nqaij. Tus simultaneous skin-firming teebmeem yog tsim los ntawm xov tooj cua tsis, uas ua rau cov collagen thiab txuas cov ntaub so ntswg los cog lus. Dr Ayoubi says “in fact that Bodytite may be up to 40 percent more effective in skin-tightening than traditional forms of liposuction”.

Hais txog tus sau phau ntawv

London kho mob & aesthetic tsev kho mob yog UK yog ib lub tsev kho mob ua muaj ntau hom kev kho xws li Smartlipo thiab laser plaub hau tshem tawm.

Txoj kev Harley txoj kev:


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