Fit to Fly Test London – PCR tests are being offered by many London Harley Street clinics and medical providers for Covid 19.
Many Harley St Clinics offer Test to Release & PCR tests with a ‘Fit to Fly’ Certificate for international travel and work, with rapid and accurate results.
The tests are normally an in-clinic test that is carried out by a clinician.
If you are intending to travel for leisure, work or educational purposes, then you need a test.
Once the test has been completed and the results are confirmed, you will receive the relevant certificate and a QR code confirming your travel fitness status.

There are different tests you can get to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19). The test you need depends on why you’re getting tested.
The 2 main tests are:
- PCR – mainly for people with symptoms, they’re sent to a lab to be checked
- rapid lateral flow tests – only for people who do not have symptoms, they give a quick result using a device similar to a pregnancy test
What is a PCR test?
A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is performed to detect genetic material from a specific organism, such as a virus. Шинжилгээнд хамрагдах үед халдвар авсан бол вирус байгаа эсэхийг илрүүлдэг. Туршилт нь таныг халдвар авахаа больсон ч вирусын хэсгүүдийг илрүүлэх боломжтой.
ПГУ нь юу гэсэн үг вэ??
Полимеразын гинжин урвал (PCR)
Гэртээ ПГУ-ын шинжилгээг хэрхэн хийх вэ
Хэрэв танд коронавирусын шинж тэмдэг илэрвэл (COVID-19) Та нэн даруй тусгаарлаж, хамгийн ойр байрлах Harley Street Clinic-д ПГУ-ын шинжилгээ хийлгэх хэрэгтэй.
Та гэртээ ПГУ-ын шинжилгээ хийлгэх боломжтой, олдоцоос хамаарна
ПГУ-ын шинжилгээний багцад юу байдаг?
Гэрийн туршилтын иж бүрдэл нь:
- арчдас
- a vial containing a small amount of liquid – this must remain in the tube
- a clear zip-lock bag with an absorbent pad
- a bag with a QR code
- 3 stickers
- a box
Fit to fly Test London Travel Tests
Covid-19 travel tests are required if you are due to fly abroad. Typically these are Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests.
Please check the list of government approved testers.
How long will it take to get my COVID-19 Test results?
How much does a PCR Test Cost?
Costs vary but typically between £60 to £250 depending on the provider that you choose.