As we age our natural skin creases and folds will become more prominent. Dermal fillers are used to obliterate lines and folds, to create contours, add volume and sculpt soft tissues in the oro-facial region. Ellanse is dermal filler that has most scientific evidence to support its longevity and action. Dermal filler can give you a natural face lift using the body’s own material. Ellanse is specifically designed for safety, greater value, durability, and an aesthetically pleasing result and is available for patients seeking longer lasting results. It is the first dermal filler with the unique features of Tunable Longevity. Ellanse has four dermal filler options, which deliver immediate and sustained performance, and are totally bioresorbable. Ellanse may be used for volume-depleted areas, enhancement of zygomatic arch, marionette шугам ба nasolabial атираа. Мөн Ellanse нь дух, глабелла орчмын үрчлээг зөөлрүүлдэг.
Пермалип бол маш зөөлөн, уруулын байгалийн хэлбэрийг өгдөг хатуу силикон. Пермалип нь уруулыг тогтмол сайжруулах зориулалттай. Пермалипийн хатуу силикон суулгац нь гурван хэмжээтэй байдаг, үндсэндээ, жижиг, дунд ба том. Уруулын байгалийн контурыг дагаж пералипал суулгацыг хоёр талдаа нарийсгаж, илүү байгалийн төрхтэй болгоно.. The procedure by surgeon is usually completed in about an hour and you will be able to resume normal activity the next day.
Microdermabrasion is suitable for all skin types and will reduce the appearance of scarring, үрчлээс, нарийн шугамууд, pigmentation problems, uneven skin tones and sun damaged complexions.
Microdermabrasion is an effective and safe way of exfoliating the skin without using any lasers or chemicals. After microdermabrasion treatment you are left with a smooth, glowing result and an even and bright complexion. Although a difference can be seen after only one microdermabrasion treatment, a course of treatments is recommended to achieve deeper longer lasting results.
Top quality microdermabrasion with gentle abrasion and suction to painlessly remove the outer layer of dead skin. Where just after one microdermabrasion treatment the underlying epidermis immediately looks and feels smoother and more radiant. Regular microdermabrasion treatments would also improve the effect of scarring and skin discoloration.
All procedures, including microdermabrasion treatments, are performed by a trained aesthetician and supervised by a board certified plastic surgeons.