Coronavirus Vaccine Private Covid19 Innoculation Pfizer Biontech


Coronavirus Vaccine Private Innoculations are available from Doctors and Clinics on Harley Street in London based on the Pfizer vaccine.

The private Oxford vaccine has also been approved by UK regulators and it is expected that private vaccinations of this will also be readily available soon.

How is the Pfizer Coronavirus Covid 19 Vaccine given?

As an injection into the upper arm.

Who can have the Coronavirus Covid 19 vaccination?

The Covid-19 vaccination is available to all people.

How do I get the Coronavirus vaccination?

Please download and use the contact form to register your interest in the Pfizer Vaccine. Once the vaccine is released, your Harley Street doctor will take the opportunity to vaccinate you when you attend the surgery for general reasons, or for your annual flu vaccination.

You can have it at the same time as your flu jab if you wish.

If you are worried that you may miss out on the Coronavirus vaccination, contact your Harley Street Clinic to arrange an appointment to have the vaccine.

Will there be any side effects from the Coronavirus vaccine Private?

It’s quite common to get redness and discomfort at the vaccination site, as well as headaches, but these side effects should not last more than a few days. See your GP if you have side effects that last longer than a few days, or if you develop a rash after having the Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine Private.

Can I get the Covid19 vaccine privately?

The Pfizer Covid019 Coronavirus jab is available privately, but it’s expensive and in very short supply. Expect to pay between £1000 and £2000.

We can advise on whether it’s safe for you to have, but you will have to visit our private clinic to arrange it.

Please click on the link below to complete the form to express your interest.

Private Covid19 Vaccine Form

Harley Street Clinic:
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