Ny nifinao dia toy ny takelaka famantarana eo no ho eo. Rehefa very nify ianao, na inona antony, you may begin experiencing a significant change in your ability to eat, as well as in your appearance and confidence. Things you took for granted such as eating your favourite foods, kissing your loved ones or smiling confidently may become a struggle. In such cases, many people for the first time consciously start to realise just how vital their teeth are to their personal charisma and lifestyle. ankehitriny, however, with advances in dental implant technology, suffering from missing teeth can be a thing of the past.
Ny Harley Street Dental Clinic dia iray amin'ireo ivon-toerana lehibe amin'ny hatsaran'ny nify any Londres, izay manam-pahaizana manokana amin'ny fametrahana implant nify. Fantatra koa amin'ny hoe implants nify, ny implant nify dia fotony bitika kely izay ametahana nify artifisialy. Ireo mpitsabo nify ao amin'ny tobim-pahasalamantsika any Londres dia mampiasa ny teknolojia fampidirana nify farany indrindra hanatanterahana ny fomba araka izay azo atao sy tsy misy fanaintainana. Alohan'ny hanaovana ny fomba fametahana nify, ny mpitsabo nify antsika dia mampiasa teknolojia fanaovana sary maoderina mba hampisehoana amin'ny marary ny fisehoan'ny nifiny aorian'ny nahavitan'ny fomba fiasa, miantoka ny fandraisan'anjaran'izy ireo isaky ny dingana.
Ny implants nify dia misy singa telo - ny implant titanium, ny abutment sy visy mitazona. Rehefa mivory izy ireo, mety ho roa santimetatra ny halavany. Ny implants nify dia samy hafa amin'ny habe sy ny endriny, enabling our dentists at The Harley Street Dental Clinic to find the best solution for every patient’s individual needs. After dental implants are inserted, the procedure is usually completed by placing porcelain crowns or bridges.
Advanced dental anaesthesia has led to it being possible to perform teeth implant procedures in a pain free manner. At The Harley Street Dental Clinic, we are totally focused on pain free dentistry, as patient comfort is a top priority for us. We also use specialist dental software, which provides us with three dimensional images of a patient’s dental anatomy. This technology gives us precise information about jawbone density, location of tooth roots and nerves, which we can use to perform dental implant procedures of the highest quality, with minimal discomfort to our patients.
Ny fametrahana ny nify dia vahaolana maharitra maharitra amin'ny nify tsy hita. Isan-taona, mpitsabo nify erak'izao tontolo izao dia mametraka implant nify an'arivony, manomboka amin'ny famerenana nify tokana ka hatramin'ny nify iray manontolo. Toy ny nify implants dia mitovy sy mahatsapa toy ny nify voajanahary, ny fangatahana ny fomba fiasa dia nitombo tamin'ny taha maharitra.