Lisitra fiandrasana Coronavirus Covid tsy miankina

The Covid-19 vaccination programme is now underway across the UK and the NHS is making progress focusing on those at risk groups initially.

Private healthcare providers have capacity to help accelerate the vaccination programme.

Currently the UK government is not making use of this capacity which is frustrating.

If the main bottleneck were in the production of the vaccine, we would see a case for banning private sales. If the supply of vaccines were fixed, buying one privately would necessarily entail taking it away from somebody else (who, from a clinical perspective, might need it more urgently).

na izany aza, the main bottleneck seems to be in the logistics of the rollout, not vaccine production per se.

If private sales make additional resources available for the setting up of a private, additional distribution channel, then surely everyone benefits.

This is not “jumping the queue”.

Manangana filaharana haingam-pandeha sy serivisy ho an'ny mpitsabo tsy miankina manantena ny governemanta fa hahita fahatsapana sy hampiasa ny fahafaha-manao misy amin'ny sehatra tsy miankina..

Na dia mbola tsy voamarina aza izahay dia manantena fa io fahaiza-manao io dia hampiasaina indray mandeha amin'ireo lisitry ny laharam-pahamehan'ny governemanta efa vita vaksiny.

Ny toeram-pitsaboana tsy miankina dia mikaroka fatratra ny hamatsy vaksinina fiarovana azo antoka mba hahafahanay manampy amin'ity fandaharan-draharaha ity indrindra fa ny famatsiana ny Vaksinin'ny Oxford Covid from India where it is being manufactured.

Private Coronavirus Vaccination

As private healthcare providers, we have already had enquiries from members of the public who would like to arrange private vaccination.

Please express your interest here in a vaksinin'ny kobaidia manokana.

There are two potential approved vaccines currently in use; Pfizer and the Oxford vaccine.

After the first wave of NHS vaccinations and as more vaccines become available, there are hopes that stock may be available for the private sector in the future, amin'ny fomba mitovy amin'ny vaksinin'ny gripa nanjary nanjary be mpampiasa kokoa. Azo antoka fa mety hahasoa mandritra ny fotoana maharitra, raha ilaina ny fanavaozana ny fitantanana fiarovana.

Laharam-pahamehana amin'ny vaksiny NHS COVID-19

Amin'izao fotoana izao ny famoahana ny programa vaksinin'ny NHS dia mandeha ary mandeha toy izao manaraka izao:

  1. Mponina ao amin'ny trano fikarakarana ho an'ny olon-dehibe sy mpiasa miasa amin'ny trano fikarakarana ho an'ny olon-dehibe
  2. Ireo rehetra ireo 80 taona sy mihoatra ary mpiasan'ny fahasalamana sy sosialy
  3. Ireo rehetra ireo 75 taona sy mihoatra
  4. Ireo rehetra ireo 70 years of age and over and clinically extremely vulnerable individuals (not including pregnant women and those under 18 years of age)
  5. Ireo rehetra ireo 65 taona sy mihoatra
  6. Adults aged 18 ny 65 years in an at-risk group (see below)
  7. Ireo rehetra ireo 60 taona sy mihoatra
  8. Ireo rehetra ireo 55 taona sy mihoatra
  9. Ireo rehetra ireo 50 taona sy mihoatra
  10. Rest of the population (to be determined)

aza hadino fa: Raha ekena ny fangatahanao dia hifandray aminao izahay amin'ny alàlan'ny lahatsoratra hanamafisana ny fotoana nifanao fotoana. Ampidiro azafady amin'ny isa eto ambany ny laharana finday UK manan-kery.

Azoko tsara ary ekeko fa tsy famandrihana io fa endrika fangatahana fotsiny ary tsy manamarina ny vaksinin'ny COVID-19

Private Coronavirus antibody testing

Information on Private COVID-19 Tests.

Clinic Harley Street:


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