Fandidiana ny nono – vaovao tsara tarehy ianao

Ever wished that you had larger or smaller breasts? This is now possible with breast surgery or breast augmentation surgery at London’s Harley Street Aesthetic Surgery. This procedure by expert cosmetic surgeon Dr Rajan Uppal is a type of plastic surgery that results in breast enhancement. This option has become the preferred choice among women who want to enhance the size and volume of their breasts. With this procedure, smaller breasts can look larger, breasts that seem asymmetrical can be balanced and sagging breasts due to age or pregnancy can be restored to appear fuller. No more small, drooping or sagging breasts!

What does breast augmentation surgery involve?

When you decide to go in for breast augmentation surgery at London’s Harley Street Aesthetic Surgery, the process involves placing silicone or saline breast implants. This placement can be behind the breast tissue or just beneath the chest muscle. When this is done, it enhances the shape and increases the size of the breasts, making it appear fuller.

There are different types of breast augmentation surgery involving different types of incisions during surgery. The procedure is not a complex one and is likely to take up to two hours and done under general anesthesia. The implants can vary in texture and range from liquid silicone, silicone-gel or saline solution. Gel implants are usually recommended. You can choose the size and position that best match your body type.

Ny mpandidy anao dia hiresaka momba ny karazana fihosirana, ny karazany sy ny toerana misy ny implantan'ny tratrao. Ianao koa dia hahazo torohevitra momba ny fomba hikarakaranao tena aorian'ny fandidiana fampidirana nono.

Ohatrinona ny vidin'ny implant nono?

Miankina amin'ny fomba fiasa marina izay tianao sy ao anatin'izany ny fanatoranana ankapobeny, ny implants, safidy fitaovana apetraka, FANDIDIANA, sy ny faharetan'ny fijanonana ao amin'ny hopitaly, fanafody sy fikarakarana aorian'ny fandidiana.

Liana hahafantatra ny fomba hananana tratra tonga lafatra?

Ny fanapahan-kevitra hiditra amin'ny fandidiana fampitomboana ny tratra dia an'ny tena manokana. mazava ho, azonao antenaina fa hatoky tena kokoa ianao ary ho tanora kokoa ary ho tsara kokoa. Mampiasa ny haitao amin'ny solosaina izahay mba hampisehoana aminao ny fomba hahitanao ny tratranao vaovao. Hanampy anao hijery safidy hafa io. Raha te hahalala bebe kokoa momba ny fomba hahazoanao tombony amin'ny fandidiana fampitomboana ny nono ao amin'ny Harley Street Aesthetic Surgery any Londres, amandriho ny consultation maimaimpoana anao anio. Antsoy izahay izao.?

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