Private Booster Jabs Covid – The Harley Street clinic are delighted to continue to support NHS England to deliver its COVID-19 vaccination programme by administering booster jabs at our London clinics.
Mir sinn och frou datt mir berechtegte Patienten e gratis NHS Grippejab kënne bidden wa se eis fir hire Rendez-vous besichen - mir hoffen datt et d'Aufnahme vu béid Impfungen féiert, déi gläich wichteg sinn. Béid Impfungen ze hunn bitt en optimale Schutz fir déi am gréisste Risiko fir eescht krank ze ginn aus COVID-19 oder Gripp an de kommende Méint andeems Dir Private Booster Jabs Covid ubitt.
- Patienten mat engem Booster Impfung Rendez-vous bei Boots ginn e gratis NHS Grippejab zur selwechter Zäit ugebueden, wa méiglech
- Vaccinations will be offered at special vaccination hubs in the clinics pharmacy area from 4th October 2021
The Harley Steet Clinics offers a COVID-19 vaccine booking service in London as an exclusive service for members of its Members Scheme; whereby we can liaise with a local vaccination centre and arrange appointments on behalf of members. This is a free of charge service for those that are registered members of our medical scheme and applies to arranging COVID-19 vaccinations and booster jabs.
- This is a free vaccination supplied via the NHS
- Patients must meet NHS qualifying criteria at the time of vaccination and must have a valid NHS number and National Insurance number
- Service is subject to availability and suitable vaccinations being available
- Impfungsservicer ënnerleien de Konditioune. Fir déi lescht Informatioun kuckt NHS Covid-19 Impfung
- Et gëtt keng Käschten fir dëse Service