Saving Face at Harley Street Clinic

Over the last five years there has certainly been an increase in patients indulging in dermal fillers, chemical peels, breast implants and facelift. Nearly one in ten people by age 61 would undergo for wrinkle-free procedure. autem, good surgeons will consider your physical health, the type of surgery, and your expectation when recommending procedures that can help you achieve your goals.

Chemical peels are based upon the pH of skin, which at 5.5 is slightly acidic a popular solution to acne scarring, freckles, age spots, sun-damaged skin, denique lineae, rough skin and uneven pigmentation.

Chemical peels applied to the skin will tend to cause a very mild exfoliation, which leads to the removal, through peeling, of the outer skin layers. Chemical peels remove damaged outer layers of skin on the face to smooth texture, reduce scarring, and remove blemishes and pre-cancerous growths to produce healthy, glowing skin. Chemical peels can be combined with other procedures such as facelifts for a younger look. Obagi medical skincare range with chemical peel can achieve healthy skin from inside out and keeps skins layers healthy and hydrated. Obagi products are widely considered to be the gold standard in pharmaceutical skincare.

Chemical peels will help improve the effects of aging, blotchy pigmentation, spots and pore size. Marcus. Ayham Al-Ayoubi at London Medical& Nulla aesthetic, 1 Ager Street, London will determine the type of chemical peel specific for your skin type.
There are a wide range of dermal fillers on the market that can tackle lines and wrinkles. Ellanse -long lasting dermal filler could be the answer when gravity takes its toll. As we age we lose volume from our face, cheeks, jaws lines. Dermal filler such an Ellanse, is a valuable tool for practitioners looking to restore lost volume and provide lift.

Ellanse is made of Poly-caprolactone and has demonstrated an excellent safety profile. Upon injection, Ellanse dermal filler carrier acts as instant filler, resulting in an immediate correction. Ellanse will increase new collagen production, brings the volume to your face and smooth’s your face.

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi at London Medical& Nulla aesthetic, 1 Ager Street, London introduced revolutionary dermal fillers- Ellanse from the Holland into the UK in March 2010.

medicorum Londinensi & aesthetic clinic is UK’s one of the leading clinics offering a wide range of treatment including Smartlipo and laser hair removal.

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