Liposuction Harley Street
Liposuction Harley Street – Laser Liposuction is available in Harley Street and the treatment process can be summarised below.
Firstly, your physician will mark on your body the precise areas to be treated.
Then, after numbing your skin with a tiny amount of anesthetic solution, your physician may inject a numbing solution topically as well as under your skin (known as tumescent anesthesia) to ensure you feel no pain throughout the procedure.
After making a small incision (1 чейин 3 millimeters), your physician will insert the small cannula (less than 1/8 inches in diameter) containing the laser fiber and use it to direct energy at the unwanted fat cells. As the fat is liquefied, it drains away and becomes absorbed by the body.
Any liquefied fat that is left will be carefully suctioned out. Although you’ll be comfortable during the procedure, you may feel some tugging and perhaps even some mild stinging while you’re being treated.
The length of the procedure will depend on how large an area you’re having treated, but most treatment sessions last from 1 чейин 3 hours.
If a particularly large amount of fat is being removed, you may need a second session. These are usually scheduled several months after the first one.
The technology for laser-assisted lipolysis is being constantly improved and updated. Here are some of the latest options currently available.
Your physician will advise you on which option is best for you. Албетте, make sure you choose a physician who is skilled and experienced with this technology.
SmartLipo pioneered the laser liposuction method of fat removal. In 2006, it became the first such procedure to receive the approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Its initial laser used a 1064 nm wavelength to dissolve the fat and coagulate (seal off) blood vessels. A newer generation of the technology, SmartLipo MPX combines the 1064 nm wavelength with a 1320 nm wavelength for greater effectiveness. SmartLipo is made by Cynosure Inc. of Westford, Massachusetts and Laser Lipo
This method of laser-assisted lipolysis delivers a continuous wave (980 nm) of energy to zap and dissolve unwanted adipose (fat) tissue. The uniformity of this approach may lower the risk of thermal (heat) injuries. SmoothLipo, which is manufactured by the New Hampshire-based Elemé Medical company, received FDA approval in 2008.
Manufactured and marketed by Syneron Medical, LipoLite uses a 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser, which delivers easily controlled pulses of energy at very rapid repetitions to the targeted fat cells. LipoLite received FDA approval in 2008 for laser-assisted lipolysis and other dermatological procedures.
Lifesculpt, previously known as SlimLipo, uses dual 924 nm and 975 nm толкун узундуктары, анын өндүрүүчүсү болгон айкалыштырылган, Palomar Medical Technologies, башка лазердик липолиз технологиялары колдонгондорго караганда дооматтар натыйжалуу. Бул жазда FDA макулдугун алган 2008.
Cool Lipo
CoolLipo колдонот a 1320 nm толкун узундугу майларды азайтып, терини тартат. Анын өндүрүүчүсү, CoolTouch Inc, толкун узундугу май клеткалары тарабынан көбүрөөк сиңирилет деп ырастайт, Ошентип, төмөнкү толкун узундуктары менен технологияларга караганда көбүрөөк натыйжа берет. FDA лазердик жардам менен липолиз үчүн CoolLipo бекиткен 2008; it’s also approved for other dermatologic treatments such as ilipo
мен-AzA $ ™ лазер lipolysis акыркы болуп саналат, силерге жол болор эч кайгы менен дюймдук жоготууга жана дене contouring жетишүү, жок ийнелер жана эч жерге убакыт.
How does i-Lipo Laser Liposuction work?
мен-AzA $ лазер менен Энергия боюнча Башкы аз көлөмдө чыгарат, бул семиз бир клеткалардагы бир химиялык сигнал жаратат, breaking down the stored triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol and releasing them though channels in the cell membranes. The fatty acids and glycerol are then transported around the body to the tissues that will use them during metabolism to create energy. This process of fatty acid release is a natural response of the body when the body needs to used stored energy reserves, Ошентип, мен-AzA $ денеде кандайдыр бир табигый жооп түзүү да, ал сыяктуу дененин ар кандай тегерек түзүлүшкө таасир же зыян кылат эмес,, blood vessels and peripheral nerves. A period of exercise post treatment will ensure the complete metabolism and thus elimination from the body of the freed fatty acids.
Эмне үчүн мен-AzA $?
The i-Lipo system has many advantages over other similar systems for liposuction harley street.
Бул жерде бир нече эле бар!
Clinically proven Laser Liposuction
Көз карандысыз clincal изилдөөлөр мен-AzA $ болууга көрсөттү, кээ бир учурларда, comparable to results achieved by liposuction. Ultrasound imagery shows up to 30% reduction in the fat layer depth after just one treatment. Additional treatments improve results further. Results can be seen immediately after each treatment as the fat cell contents are released. Жеңил көнүгүүдөн кийинки дарылоо майдын чыгуусун тездетиши мүмкүн .
Жеткиликтүү Лазердик Липосакция дарылоо
Хирургиялык липосакция жана башка УЗИ же лазердик техникалар менен салыштырганда i-Lipo окшош натыйжалар менен бир кыйла арзан.
Коопсуз жана оорутпаган лазердик липосакция
i-Lipo uses low levels of visible red laser light to create a safe and painless bio-stimulation effect in the targeted fat tissue. This stimulation is of the normal chemical pathways which the body uses to free up energy resources when required, мен-AzA $ мындай клеткаларга орган же зыянга орган кыртышында демейдегиден башкача таасир пайда жок, ошондуктан, кан тамырлар же кошуна суутек же маанилүү органдар. The treatment can be performed on all skin types and body areas where unwanted fat is stored and you can return to normal activity immediately after treatment.
Лазердик липосакция менен дароо эле жыйынтык
Results can be seen immediately after treatment. Typically a 2-4cm loss in abdomen circumference can be achieved with every treatment. A course of 8 treatments is recommended over 4 weeks with 2 treatments per week.
Targeted fat reduction with i-lipo
i-Lipo can target fat reduction in specific problem area. By positioning the laser pads on the target area such as chin, upper arms, abdomen or thighs fat can be broken down and removed specifically from that area. This is a big advantage over diet and exercise which can reduce overall body fat but not shape individual areas.
Innovative design
The system has been designed with a four pad option totaling 36 individual treatment Lasers enabling operators to reduce treatment time using liposuction harley street
Manufactured & maintained in the UK.
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Liposuction Cost UK
In the UK, liposuction cost ranges from about £2,000 to £20,000, depending on the Harley Street clinic and the body areas being treated.
Prices will range also according to the size of the area being treated.
For a very large stomach / abdomen the price may increase.
Howeever for Liposuction on a smaller area such as “Love Hands” – removing fats from this area can cost between £2500 and £8000.