Sometimes diet and exercise are not enough, and you just can’t seem to get rid of those love handle, flabby upper arms or chubby neck and cheeks, saddlebags, male breast (gynecomastia). For some people who have experienced massive weight loss, multiple approaches are used to restore their body’s contour to its best possible appearance. Smartlipo laser assisted liposuction can help you eliminate areas of unwanted fat and tone your entire body with a minimally invasive one-of-a-kind procedure. Smart lipo laser assisted liposuction permanently removes the fat cells is very safe with minimal side effects. Smart lipo can eliminate any areas of unwanted fat from your entire body. In the body you can say goodbye to loves handles, bra fat, and stubborn belly fat. Smartlipo is minimally invasive technique, where Smart lipo laser melts the fat, while inducing collagen production resulting in skin tightening. Smartlipo is ideal for patients with loose skin, as the laser energy interacts with the dermis it results in skin shrinkage or tightening. The Smart lipo laser assisted liposuction permanently destroys fat cells by melting the fat, while instantly coagulating blood vessels, which results in less bleeding, bruising, swelling, and discomfort than traditional liposuction methods since the Smart lipo laser causes small blood vessels to coagulate immediately on contact. The Smartlipo system allows the body to tighten skin from the inside out, while stimulating it to produce collagen to firm and smooth skin. Laser assisted liposuction involves inserting a tiny probe into the fat deposit. The Smartlipo laser destroys the fat cells without affecting any of the surrounding tissue. The fat cells are then drained away. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and involves only minimal scarring. Smart lipo, laser assisted liposuction at London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic, 1 Харли көчөсү, Лондон, UK is proving equally effective as traditional liposuction, but with less complication, gentler and minimally invasive, you’ll be on your feet and enjoying your new body in no time. Depending on the area treated, 1-2 days rest is recommended following the Smart lipo procedure: some patients are able to return to work immediately. A compression garment will be worn for 10 days for maximal healing and skin re-adhesion. As experienced plastic surgeon on Harley Street, London can give you the best personalized service and care, as well as the most advanced Smartlipo techniques, understand your needs, provide effective treatment plans that maximize patient comfort and deliver optimal results.
Харли-Стриттеги эпиляциялуу эпиляция
Лондон медициналык жана эстетикалык клиникасында Cynosure Elite лазердик эпиляциясы, 1 Харли көчөсү, Лондон сейф, керексиз чачтарды кетирүүнүн жумшак жана натыйжалуу жолу. Мом сыяктуу эпиляция ыкмалары, кыруу, пинцет жана депиляторлор убактылуу алып салууну гана камсыз кыла алышат. Лазердик эпиляция менен кааланбаган түктөрдү кетирип, узак мөөнөттүү натыйжаларды бериши мүмкүн.
Harley Street клиникасында Cynosure Elite лазеринин жардамы менен чачты лазер менен тазалоо, Лондон коопсуз жана керексиз чачтарды териге зыян келтирбестен тазалайт. Элиттик лазердик эпиляция - бул эркектерге да, аялдарга да керексиз чачтардан арылууга жардам берүүчү революциялык жол. Лондон медициналык-эстетикалык клиникасында, 1 Кийин Харли көчөсү 6-8 чачты лазер менен дарылоонун пакети, сиз менен калат жылмакай, чачсыз тери.
Laser hair removal treatments are performed by well-trained medical professionals. Each practitioner is extensively trained before performing any laser hair removal treatment. We are committed to providing the best practices for laser hair removal at our Haley Street Clinic.
Laser hair removal treatment works by using laser energy to heat up the hair follicles in the skin, and the follicle is destroyed preventing re-growth of the hair. Laser hair removal at London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic is very safe non-invasive procedure and effective process, with many people seeing between 80-90% less hair growth after a course. At our 1 Harley Street Clinic laser hair removal treatments are suitable for men and women with most skin types, including dark and tanned skin and work on both large and small areas. In order to understand the laser hair removal process it is important not only to consider the structure of a growth cycle of the hair, ошондой эле чачтын түсү. Сиз кандайдыр бир ыңгайсыздыкты сезишиңиз мүмкүн, бирок момдоп же кычкыргандан башка эч нерсе жок. Дарылоодон кийин териңиз бир аз кызарып кетиши мүмкүн, бирок бул таптакыр кадыресе көрүнүш. Лазердик эпиляция теринин бардык түрүнө ылайыктуу, ал тургай, сезимтал териге да жасалат. Лазердик эпиляциянын баасы дарыланууга жаткан аймактан көз каранды, аймакта чачтын өсүшүнүн көлөмү, керектүү дарылоонун саны.
Автор жөнүндө
Лондон медициналык & эстетикалык клиника Улуу Британиянын алдыңкы клиникаларынын бири, Smartlipo жана лазердик эпиляция сыяктуу кеңири дарылоону сунуш кылат.