Article by Stuart Mitchell
Harley Street의 간략한 역사 Harley Street London
할리 스트리트 특정 무역과 불가분하게 연결된 여러 런던 거리 중 하나입니다.. Saville Row는 수많은 맞춤형 재단사로 세계적으로 유명합니다., 신문이 생산되는 플리트 스트리트, 작곡가와 뮤지컬 상점이 있는 덴마크 거리. Harley Street의 틈새 시장은 의료계의 틈새 시장입니다.. 양복점 수가 점점 감소하는 Saville Row와 더 이상 신문을 생산하지 않는 Fleet Street와는 달리, Harley Street는 모든 의료 및 의약의 중심지로 계속 번성하고 있습니다..
Harley Street의 역사는 실제로 Oxford Street와 Marylebone Road 사이의 땅이 당시의 웅장한 조지아 스타일로 개발되었던 18세기 초에 시작됩니다.. 건축가 존 프린스(John Prince)는 에드워드 할리(Edward Harley)로부터 자금을 지원받았습니다. (22대 옥스퍼드 백작) Cavendish Square를 중심으로 다양한 종류의 부동산을 만들었습니다.. 1790년대에 이 지역은 많은 부유하고 유명한 주민들이 모여드는 매우 세련된 곳이었습니다.. 글래드스톤이 살았던 곳 73 할리 스트리트, 윌리엄 터너(William Turner)는 처음에 여러 주소에서 살았습니다. 35 Harley Street 이후 46 그리고 나서 23 퀸 스트리트, 그가 갤러리를 지은 곳에.
의료인의 유입은 19세기 중반부터 시작되었다.. 이 거리는 북쪽으로 가는 철도 연결에 좋은 위치에 있었고 문앞에 풍부한 고객이 공급되었습니다.. Chandos Street에서 런던 의학 협회 개회식 1873 그 다음에는 Wimpole Street에 있는 왕립의학협회(Royal Society of Medicine)에서 1912 의료에 대한 지역의 평판을 더욱 향상시켰습니다..
기록에 따르면 1860 주위에 있었어요 20 할리 스트리트의 의사들, 이 정도까지 올라갔어 80 으로 1900 그리고 거의 200 으로 1914. NHS가 설립되면서 1948 주위에 있었어요 1,500 그 지역에서 활동하는 의사들. 일부는 3,000 사람들은 Harley Street 주변에서 의료계에 종사하고 있습니다.. 이 거리는 아직 몇 년 동안 고귀한 무역을 계속하고 있는 것처럼 보입니다..
토니 헤이우드 ©
할리 스트리트 룸 투 렛
A History of Harley Street
Harley Street is often referred to as “Medical London” due to the fact it has one of the largest concentrations of medical proficiency in the world. With a long-standing reputation as a centre of private medical excellence, Harley Street’s earliest associations with medicine can be traced back to around 1860 when many doctors moved into the area due to the central location and close proximity to major train stations, such as Kings Cross, St Pancras and Marylebone. Since the nineteenth century the number of doctors, hospitals, eye surgery clinics and other medical organisations located in and around the Harley Street area has greatly increased. There were around 20 doctors practising in the area in 1860 and a tenfold increase was recorded by 1914 when the figure rose to 200. Another two welcome additions to the area which further enhanced the area’s reputation were the Medical Society of London, which opened in Chandos Street in 1873 and the Royal Society of Medicine which started up in 1912 on Wimpole Street.Over the years Harley Street has been home to many famous medical professionals. Sir Henry Thompson, a great British surgeon and polymath, practiced in the area during the 1870s and went on to be appointed as chief surgeon to the King of Brussels.Doctor Edward Bach practiced from Harley Street in the 1920s before moving to the London Homeopathic Hospital and then developing the Bach Flower Remedies which are still so popular today. Times have obviously changed since the nineteenth century when medical practitioners would have set up a surgery in their own home and arranged their own appointments and Harley Street continues to flourish as a centre for all things medicinal. Needless to say the clinics found here offer the latest technology alongside some of the country’s best medical expertise.Today there are over 3,000 people employed in the area which offers a broad range of medical services, from complementary medicine to plastic surgery. So whether you’re looking for laser eye surgery in London or simply need to register with a GP you are sure to find what you need here Harley Street makes a highly desirable location from which to practice and the area continues to attract a large number of top medical practitioners, from eye surgeons and doctors to psychiatrists and plastic surgeons. If you need to get to Harley Street for an appointment then you have several options to choose from. If catching the tube you can get off at Bond Street or Oxford Circus for the more southerly area, while Regents Park and Great Portland Street lie to the north so you can easily catch a tube to fit in with exactly where you are going. What’s more, Marylebone and Euston railway stations are both close-by and the car parks at Portland Place and Harley Street make life that little bit easier for those arriving by car.