With age the skin has a loss of firmness and elasticity. 1 Harley Street, London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic provides Sculptra to treat the deep nosalabial folds, hollow, sunken cheeks or thin, depressed looking areas of the face. Sculptra is also used to reduce the appearance of lines and deep scars. London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic is one of the leading Harley Street clinics in Sculptra in the UK. Dr Ayoubi minangka Ahli Bedah Sculptra sing misuwur lan dheweke minangka ahli lan dosen sing diakoni sacara internasional ing prosedur kasebut. Sculptra is FDA-approved substance. Sculptra is different from other hyaluronic acid dermal fillers that merely plump the skin for a short time. Sculptra is the only volumasing filler that actually stimulates body to produce its own collagen; therefore Sculptra creates a long-lasting, natural look.
Sculptra filler will significantly increase skin thickness also Sculptra can improve the appearance of scars, folds, and the hollow, sunken areas of the mid- and lower face where wrinkled, kulit sing ilang lan kendur nganggo Sculptra dilusake lan diisi. Kanthi Sculptra, ora ana wektu sithik utawa ora ana perawatan lan perawatan mung udakara setengah jam.
Dr Al-Ayoubi minangka ahli bedah Harley Street sing pertama banget ngenalake BodyTite revolusioner (Liposuction sing Dibantu Radiofrequency (RFAL) mlebu Inggris wulan Juni 2009. Body Tite sing ditindakake dening Dr Al-Ayoubi minangka operasi kosmetik sing terkenal. BodyTite duwe akeh kaluwihan lan salah sawijining manfaate prosedur BodyTite yaiku bisa ditindakake kanthi anestesi lokal. Prosedur BodyTite cepet kanthi ngawasi safety dhuwur getihen minimal lan entuk manfaat perawatan langsung. BodyTite is uniform re-contouring of body with soft-tissue contraction and tightening.
Miturut Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi ing London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic, BodyTite bisa uga merevolusi jagad kontur awak lan operasi plastik.. Kanthi panelitian awal nuduhake yen liposuction sing dibantu BodyTite ngencengi kulit 60% luwih saka liposuction tradisional.
BodyTite minangka prosedur invasif minimal sing ditindakake kanthi anestesi lokal utawa sedasi ringan. Pasien prosedur post nerusake rutin rutin sawise iku. Pasien kudu nyandhang klambi komprèsi lan bisa nerusake olahraga kanthi pengaruh dhuwur miturut dhokter.
Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap utawa pesen konsultasi karo Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi
ing Klinik Medis lan Estetika London, 1 Harley Street, London
Tulung nelpon 0208 342 1100 utawa email menyang info@Lmaclinic.com
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