Dhaptar Ngenteni Coronavirus Covid Pribadi

Program vaksinasi Covid-19 saiki lagi ditindakake ing saindenging Inggris lan NHS lagi maju kanthi fokus ing kelompok risiko.

Private healthcare providers have capacity to help accelerate the vaccination programme.

Currently the UK government is not making use of this capacity which is frustrating.

If the main bottleneck were in the production of the vaccine, we would see a case for banning private sales. If the supply of vaccines were fixed, buying one privately would necessarily entail taking it away from somebody else (who, from a clinical perspective, might need it more urgently).

Nanging, the main bottleneck seems to be in the logistics of the rollout, not vaccine production per se.

If private sales make additional resources available for the setting up of a private, additional distribution channel, then surely everyone benefits.

This is not “jumping the queue”.

This is setting up a parallel fast-track queue and private healthcare providers hope that the government will see sense and use the capacity available in the private sector.

Although not yet confirmed we hope that the this capacity that will be used once those in the dhaptar prioritas pamrentah wis divaksinasi.

Klinik swasta kanthi aktif ngupayakake sumber vaksin sing aman supaya bisa mbantu program kritis iki utamane pasokan potensial kanggo Vaksin kovalasi Oxford saka India sing lagi diproduksi.

Vaksinasi Coronavirus Pribadi

Minangka panyedhiya layanan kesehatan pribadi, kita wis takon babagan anggota masarakat sing pengin ngatur vaksinasi pribadi.

Tulung wenehi minat ing kene a private covid vaccine.

There are two potential approved vaccines currently in use; Pfizer and the Oxford vaccine.

After the first wave of NHS vaccinations and as more vaccines become available, there are hopes that stock may be available for the private sector in the future, in the same way as flu vaccination has become more widely available. Certainly that may be of benefit in the longer term, if revaccination is required to maintain protection.

NHS COVID-19 Vaccination Priorities

For now the rollout of the NHS vaccination programme is underway and working through as follows:

  1. Residents in a care home for older adults and staff working in care homes for older adults
  2. All those 80 years of age and over and health and social care workers
  3. All those 75 years of age and over
  4. All those 70 lawas taun lan liwat lan klinis banget ngrugekke wong (ora kalebu wanita hamil lan sing ana ing sangisore 18 umur taun)
  5. All those 65 years of age and over
  6. Wong diwasa wis tuwa 18 kanggo 65 taun ing klompok sing duwe risiko (ndeleng ngisor)
  7. All those 60 years of age and over
  8. All those 55 years of age and over
  9. All those 50 years of age and over
  10. Sisa populasi (arep ditemtokake)

Tulung dicathet: Yen panjaluk sampeyan ditampa, kita bakal ngubungi sampeyan liwat teks kanggo ngonfirmasi wektu janjian sampeyan. Ketik nomer seluler Inggris sing valid ing formulir ing ngisor iki.

Aku ngerti lan setuju manawa iki dudu pesenan lan mung formulir penyelidikan lan ora ngonfirmasi vaksinasi COVID-19

Tes antibodi Coronavirus pribadi

Informasi babagan Tes COVID-19 Pribadi.

Klinik Jalan Harley:


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