Covid Booster Shots – worldwide concerns over long term immunity and new Covid19 variants have convinced some countries to deploy Covid Booster Shots.
There is a risk that these are more infectious and dangerous than the original Covid19 virus.
Flestir í áhættuhópi hafa nú fengið tvö bóluefni og eru að fullu varin.
NHS í Bretlandi ráðleggur að hugsanleg hvatningaráætlun ætti að hefjast í september 2021.
Þetta mun hámarka vernd hjá þeim sem eru viðkvæmastir fyrir alvarlegu COVID-19 fyrir vetrarmánuðina.
Flensa / Influenza vaccines are typically delivered in autumn.
The NHS considers that, þar sem því verður við komið, sameinað nálgun við afhendingu COVID-19 og inflúensubólusetning gæti stutt afhendingu og hámarkað upptöku beggja bóluefnanna.
It is highly likely that over-50s and those at risk will be offered a booster at the same time as a flu jab, with the programme expected to begin in early September.
Data from Public Health England suggesting the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is 96% effective and the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is 92% effective against hospital admission after two doses.
Many Harley Street Clinics are likely to offer the combined jabs to help assist the Covid Booster jab rollout – please express your interest here.