Omicron dị iche iche – Covid 19 Ọhụrụ dị iche iche nke nchegbu

Omicron Variant – This variant has a large number of mutations, some of which are “concerning” stated the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Ihe akaebe izizi na-egosi mmụba dị egwu nke ịlọ ụwa site na ụdị a, dị ka atụnyere ndị ọzọ Ndịiche Covid.

Ọnụọgụ nke ụdịdị a dị ka ọ na-abawanye n'ihe fọrọ nke nta ka ọ bụrụ mpaghara niile dị na South Africa ebe achọpụtara ya na mbụ.

Nke mbụ B.1.1.529 bụ ndị WHO sitere na South Africa kọọrọ ya 24 Nọvemba 2021.

Mwepụta na mberede nke ụdị ọhụrụ - nke Òtù Ahụ Ike Ụwa kpọrọ omicron (WHO) – kpasuola ihe ncheta laa azụ n'oge oyi gara aga, mgbe mbụ ụwa mara banyere ọhụrụ, ụdị nje na-efe efe karịa, Delta iche iche.

Nnukwu ụdị COVID-19 emeela ka mgbado anya dị na mgbochi

1. Omicron na-efe efe karịa ụdị nje ndị ọzọ.

2. Ndị mmadụ na -anaghị agba ọgwụ mgbochi ọrịa nọ n'ihe egwu.

3. Ụdị Omicron nwere ike ibute 'nwapụta hyperlocal.'

4. A ka nwere ihe ọzọ ịmụ gbasara Variant a.

5. Ịgba ọgwụ mgbochi ọrịa bụ ihe nchebe kachasị mma megide ụdị Covid na-apụta

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Ọgwụ Harley Street:


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