Coronavirus Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv Ntiag Covid19 Innoculation Pfizer Biontech

Coronavirus Vaccine Private Innoculations are available from Doctors and Clinics on Harley Street in London based on the Pfizer vaccine.

Qhov tshuaj tiv thaiv Oxford ntiag tug kuj tau pom zoo los ntawm UK tus neeg tswj hwm thiab nws cia siab tias qhov kev txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv ntiag tug ntawm qhov no tseem yuav tau npaj sai sai no.

Lub Pfizer Coronavirus Covid Yog Li Cas 19 Tshuaj txhaj tiv thaiv?

Raws li kev txhaj tshuaj rau hauv qaum npab.

Leej twg tuaj yeem muaj tus mob Coronavirus Covid 19 txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv?

Cov Kev Tiv Thaiv Covid-19 muaj rau txhua tus neeg.

Kuv yuav mus txhaj tshuaj Coronavirus li cas?

Please download and use the contact form to register your interest in the Pfizer Vaccine. Once the vaccine is released, koj tus kws kho mob ntawm Harley Street yuav muaj txoj hauv kev los txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv koj thaum koj koom nrog kev phais mob rau lwm yam, lossis rau koj kev txhaj tshuaj tiv thaiv khaub thuas txhua xyoo.

Koj tuaj yeem muaj nws tib lub sijhawm uas koj mob khaub thuas yog tias koj xav tau.

Yog tias koj txhawj xeeb tias koj tuaj yeem ploj ntawm Qhov Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv Coronavirus, tiv toj koj Harley Txoj Kev Kho Mob txhawm rau teem sijhawm kom muaj qhov tshuaj tiv thaiv.

Puas yuav muaj kev mob tshwm sim los ntawm Coronavirus Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv Ntiag Tug?

Nws nquag pom dua kom liab liab thiab tsis xis nyob ntawm thaj chaw txhaj tshuaj, ntxiv rau mob taub hau, tab sis cov kev mob tshwm sim no yuav tsum tsis pub ntev tshaj ob peb hnub. Ntsib koj tus kws kho mob yog tias koj muaj cov kev mob tshwm sim ntev dua li ob peb hnub, lossis yog tias koj muaj pob khaus tom qab Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine ntiav.

Kuv tuaj yeem txais cov Covid19 cov tshuaj tiv thaiv tsis pub lwm tus paub?

Lub Pfizer Covid019 Coronavirus jab muaj khoom ntiag tug, tab sis nws yog kim thiab nyob rau hauv luv luv txaus. Xav tias yuav them nyiaj nruab nrab ntawm £ 1000 txog £ 2000.

Peb tuaj yeem tawm tswv yim saib nws puas muaj kev nyab xeeb rau koj, tab sis koj yuav tsum tau tuaj xyuas peb lub tsev kho mob ntiag tug los npaj nws.

Thov nyem rau ntawm qhov link hauv qab no kom tiav daim foos kom qhia qhov koj nyiam.

Cov Ntawv Tiv Thaiv Covid19 Daim Ntawv Teev Tseg

Harley Txoj Kev Kho Mob:
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