
Nā Implants kahua niho Zygoma

ʻO nā implant niho Zygoma kahi mālama niho i kēia manawa, i hoʻomohala mua ʻia e Professor Per Ingvar Brånemark i nā makahiki kanawalu. Eia kekahi…

Hoʻihoʻi hou i nā niho nalo me nā implants niho

ʻO kou mau niho e like me kahi papa inoa e ʻike koke ʻia. Ke lilo kou niho, no ke kumu, you may begin experiencing

E ʻike hou aʻe e pili ana i kāu Harley Street Dental Studio

Smile is said to be the depiction of a person's personality. Unfortunately not everyone is blessed with shiny white teeth



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