i-Lipo™ is the latest in laser lipolysis, offering you a way to achieve inch loss and body contouring with no pain, no needles and no down time.
How does it work?
Tha an i-Lipo emits low levels of laser energy, a 'cruthachadh ceimig chomharran ann an geir ceallan, breaking down the stored triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol and releasing them though channels in the cell membranes. The fatty acids and glycerol are then transported around the body to the tissues that will use them during metabolism to create energy. This process of fatty acid release is a natural response of the body when the body needs to used stored energy reserves, mar sin i-Lipo nach eil e a 'cruthachadh sam bith mì-nàdarrach a-bhualadh ann an corp agus chan eil ea' toirt buaidh no cron sam bith mun cuairt air structaran leithid skin, blood vessels and peripheral nerves. A period of exercise post treatment will ensure the complete metabolism and thus elimination from the body of the freed fatty acids.
Carson a i-Lipo?
Tha i-Lipo siostam Tha iomadh buannachd thairis air siostaman eile.
Seo dìreach beagan!
Clinically dhearbhadh
Neo-eisimeileach clincal rannsachadh air sealltainn i-Lipo a bhith, ann an cuid de shuidheachaidhean, coimeas a dhèanamh eadar toraidhean a choileanadh le liposuction. Sgrùdadh Sàr-fhuaim ìomhaigheachd a 'sealltainn suas ri 30% lùghdachadh anns an t-saill filleadh doimhneachd an dèidh dìreach aon leigheas. A bharrachd leigheasan a leasachadh toraidhean barrachd. Toraidhean Chithear anns a 'bhad an dèidh gach leigheas mar an t-saill cealla na th' gan sgaoileadh. Sgòthan eacarsaich dreuchd faodar leigheas a luathachadh a thoirt air falbh saill an leigeil a-mach .
leigheas aig Prìs Ruigsinneach
An coimeas ri obair-lannsa agus liposuction eile Sgrùdadh Sàr-fhuaim no leusair dòighean i-Lipo tha mòran nas saoire le coltach toraidhean.
Sàbhailte agus piantach
i-Lipo uses low levels of visible red laser light to create a safe and painless bio-stimulation effect in the targeted fat tissue. This stimulation is of the normal chemical pathways which the body uses to free up energy resources when required, so i-Lipo does not produce any abnormal effects in the body or damage body tissue such as cells, blood vessels or neighbouring nerves or vital organs. The treatment can be performed on all skin types and body areas where unwanted fat is stored and you can return to normal activity immediately after treatment.
Immediate results
Results can be seen immediately after treatment. Typically a 2-4cm loss in abdomen circumference can be achieved with every treatment. A course of 8 treatments is recommended over 4 weeks with 2 treatments per week.
Targeted fat reduction
i-Lipo can target fat reduction in specific problem area. By positioning the laser pads on the target area such as chin, upper arms, abdomen or thighs fat can be broken down and removed specifically from that area. This is a big advantage over diet and exercise which can reduce overall body fat but not shape individual areas.
Innovative design.
The system has been designed with a four pad option totaling 36 individual treatment Lasers enabling operators to reduce treatment time.
Saothrachadh & air a chumail suas san RA.
Eu-coltach ri siostaman nas daoire eile tha i-Lipo air a dhèanamh agus air a chumail suas san RA le Chromogenex aon de na companaidhean laser cosmaigeach as fhaide a chaidh a stèidheachadh.