As we age our natural skin creases and folds will become more prominent. Dermal fillers are used to obliterate lines and folds, to create contours, add volume and sculpt soft tissues in the oro-facial region. Ellanse is dermal filler that has most scientific evidence to support its longevity and action. Dermal filler can give you a natural face lift using the body’s own material. Ellanse is specifically designed for safety, greater value, durability, and an aesthetically pleasing result and is available for patients seeking longer lasting results. It is the first dermal filler with the unique features of Tunable Longevity. Ellanse has four dermal filler options, which deliver immediate and sustained performance, and are totally bioresorbable. Ellanse may be used for volume-depleted areas, enhancement of zygomatic arch, marionette lines and nasolabial folds. Also Ellanse softens of wrinkles around the forehead and glabella.
Permalip is very soft, silicone cruaidh a bheir cumadh nàdarra air na bilean. Tha Permalip air a dhealbhadh gus a bhith na àrdachadh maireannach air bilean. Tha implant silicone cruaidh Permalip a ’tighinn ann an trì meudan, gu bunaiteach, beag, meadhanach agus mòr. Tha implant Permalip air a thaipeadh air gach taobh gus cumadh nàdarra nam bilean a leantainn a tha a ’leantainn gu coltas nas nàdarra. Mar as trice thèid an dòigh-obrach le lannsair a chrìochnachadh ann an timcheall air uair a thìde agus bidh e comasach dhut gnìomhachd àbhaisteach ath-thòiseachadh an ath latha.
Microdermabrasion is suitable for all skin types and will reduce the appearance of scarring, wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation problems, uneven skin tones and sun damaged complexions.
Microdermabrasion is an effective and safe way of exfoliating the skin without using any lasers or chemicals. After microdermabrasion treatment you are left with a smooth, glowing result and an even and bright complexion. Although a difference can be seen after only one microdermabrasion treatment, Thathas a ’moladh cùrsa de leigheasan gus toraidhean nas doimhne a mhaireas nas fhaide a choileanadh.
Microdermabrasion den chàileachd as fheàrr le sgrìobadh socair agus sùgh gus an còmhdach a-muigh de chraiceann marbh a thoirt air falbh gu dòigheil. Far a bheil dìreach às deidh aon làimhseachadh microdermabrasion bidh an epidermis bunaiteach a ’coimhead sa bhad agus a’ faireachdainn nas socair agus nas radha. Dhèanadh leigheasan microdermabrasion cunbhalach leasachadh cuideachd air buaidh scarring agus dath craiceann.
A h-uile modh, toirt a-steach leigheasan microdermabrasion, air an coileanadh le esthetician ionnsaichte agus fo stiùir lannsairean plastaig le teisteanas bùird.