Tha microdermabrasion meidigeach cha mhòr gun roghainn eile an àite ath-chòmhdach craiceann ceimigeach. Tha e gu math sàbhailte agus ùr-nodha microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion meidigeach aig London Medical & Clionaig esthetigeach, 1 Sràid Harley, Mar as trice thathas a ’moladh Lunnainn a dhèanamh ann an co-bhonn ri craiceann ceimigeach tlàth airson nas fheàrr, toraidhean maireannach nas fhaide.
Coileanaidh microdermabrasion meidigeach nas òige, craiceann nas buige agus nas radha a tha follaiseach bhon chiad làimhseachadh. Microdermabrasion crystals to remove will remove the dead layer of skin, thus cleaning the pores and stimulating new collagen growth. Microdermabrasion effects are immediate, because the exfoliation reveals new living skin cells that are soft, smooth.
Microdermabrasion is effective in the treatment of acne prone skin, black/white heads, wrinkles, milleadh grèine, superficial age spots, hyper-pigmentation, dry/patchy skin and oily skin. Microdermabrasion instantly improves the texture of your skin leaving you looking fresh and revitalised.
Prior to your treatment at our Harley Street, London you will have a consultation with our nurse to ensure microdermabrasion is appropriate for your needs.
Dermal fillers are materials that are frequently used to correct wrinkles and other depressions in the skin, scars for more youthful look. Dermal filler treatment is quick and many patients experience no pain at all and minimum side effects. Tha a h-uile duine a ’coimhead airson toradh càileachd nach eil ro dhaor.
Is e Ellanse a ’chiad lìonaiche dermach a tha a’ tabhann Fad-beatha Tunable sònraichte sàbhailte a chaidh a dhealbhadh gu sònraichte airson an toradh maireannach bho 3-5 bliadhna. Bidh lìonaiche dermach Ellanse a ’toirt a elasticity agus a neart làidir don chraiceann, a ’tabhann taic bunaiteach don chraiceann.
Bidh fillers dermal Ellanse ag obair gu teicnigeach mar ath-lìonadh airson an collagen nàdurrach nach deach a thoirt seachad cho èifeachdach mar thoradh air a ’phròiseas a tha a’ fàs nas sine. With Ellanse impressive long lasting results can be definitely achieved. Ellanse dermal filler can be used for a full spectrum of skin rejuvenation, deeper volumizing treatment for cheeks and temporal area augmentation.
Mun Ùghdar
LMA Clinic is one of the leading centre and specialists in Smartlipo, Microdermabrasion, Lèigh-lann cosmaigeach msaa.