Your teeth are like an immediately noticeable signboard. When you lose a tooth, for whatever reason, you may begin experiencing a significant change in your ability to eat, as well as in your appearance and confidence. Things you took for granted such as eating your favourite foods, kissing your loved ones or smiling confidently may become a struggle. In such cases, many people for the first time consciously start to realise just how vital their teeth are to their personal charisma and lifestyle. Today, hala ere, with advances in dental implant technology, suffering from missing teeth can be a thing of the past.
The Harley Street Dental Clinic is one of the leading centres of dental excellence in London, which specialises in placing dental implants. Also known as teeth implants, dental implants are tiny titanium roots to which an artificial tooth is attached. The dentists at our clinic in London use the latest dental implant technology to perform the procedure as smoothly and painlessly as possible. Before the teeth implants procedure is actually performed, our dentists utilise modern computer imaging technology to show patients how their teeth will appear after the procedure is completed, ensuring they are involved at every stage of the process.
Teeth implants consist of three components – the titanium implant, the abutment and a holding screw. When they are assembled together, they can be approximately two centimetres in length. Dental implants come in different sizes and shapes, gure dentistak Harley Street Dental Clinic-en gaixo bakoitzaren behar bakoitzerako irtenbide onena aurkitzeko aukera emanez. Hortz-inplanteak sartu ondoren, prozedura portzelanazko koroak edo zubiak jarrita osatu ohi da.
Hortz-anestesia aurreratuak hortzak inplantatzeko prozedurak minik gabeko moduan egitea posible izan da. Harley Street Hortz Klinikan, minik gabeko odontologiara bideratuta gaude, gaixoaren erosotasuna guretzat lehentasun nagusia baita. Hortzetako software espezializatua ere erabiltzen dugu, horrek gaixoaren anatomia hortzetako hiru dimentsiotako irudiak eskaintzen dizkigu. Teknologia honek masailezur dentsitatearen inguruko informazio zehatza ematen digu, hortzen sustraien eta nerbioen kokapena, hortzetako inplanteak kalitate goreneko prozedurak egiteko erabil ditzakegunak, gure pazienteentzako gutxieneko ondoeza.
Hortz inplanteak falta diren hortzetarako irtenbide iraunkor iraunkorra dira. Urtero, mundu osoko dentistek milaka hortz inplante jartzen dituzte, hortz bakarreko zaharberritzeetatik hasi eta hortz multzo osoetaraino. As dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth, the demand for the procedure has been growing at a steady rate.