Sculptra es una solución para pieles deprimidas por el Dr. Al-Ayoubi

El Dr. Ayham Al-Ayoubi se dedica a brindar servicios de alta calidad en el campo de los procedimientos estéticos y la cirugía plástica en London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic., 1 Harley Street, Londres.

Con la edad la piel pierde firmeza y elasticidad. 1 Harley Street, London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic proporciona Sculptra para tratar los pliegues nasales profundos, hueco, mejillas hundidas o delgadas, áreas de la cara de aspecto deprimido. Sculptra is also used to reduce the appearance of lines and deep scars. London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic is one of the leading Harley Street clinics in Sculptra in the UK. Dr Ayoubi is a renowned Sculptra Surgeon and he is an internationally recognised expert and lecturer in the procedure. Sculptra is FDA-approved substance. Sculptra is different from other hyaluronic acid dermal fillers that merely plump the skin for a short time. Sculptra is the only volumasing filler that actually stimulates body to produce its own collagen; por lo tanto, Sculptra crea un, mirada natural.

El relleno Sculptra aumentará significativamente el grosor de la piel y Sculptra puede mejorar la apariencia de las cicatrices., pliegues, y el hueco, áreas hundidas de la mitad- y cara inferior donde arrugada, lose and sagging skin with Sculptra is smoothed and filled out. With Sculptra there is little or no downtime and treatments take only about half an hour.

Dr Al-Ayoubi is the very first leading Harley Street surgeon to introduce the revolutionary BodyTite (Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) into the UK in June 2009. Body Tite performed by the Dr Al-Ayoubi is a reputable cosmetic surgery. BodyTite tiene muchas ventajas y uno de los muchos beneficios del procedimiento BodyTite es que se puede realizar bajo anestesia local.. El procedimiento BodyTite es rápido con un mínimo de sangrado, monitoreo de alta seguridad y beneficios inmediatos posteriores al tratamiento.. BodyTite is uniform re-contouring of body with soft-tissue contraction and tightening.

Según el Dr. Ayham Al-Ayoubi de la Clínica Médica y Estética de Londres, BodyTite bien puede revolucionar el mundo del contorno corporal y la cirugía plástica.. With early studies showing that BodyTite assisted liposuction is tightening the skin up to 60% more than traditional liposuction.

BodyTite is a minimally invasive procedure performed under local anaesthesia or light sedation. Post procedure patients resume to regular routine shortly after. The patient will be required to wear a compression garment and can resume high impact exercise upon the advice of Doctor.

For more information or to book a consultation with Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi
at London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic, 1 Harley Street, Londres
Por favor llama 0208 342 1100 o envíenos un correo electrónico a info@Lmaclinic.com

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