Laser Hair Removal is Safe and Efficient Method of Removing of All Unwanted Hair

Laser hair removal treatment has been used for many years for medical and cosmetic procedures. Doctors have now discovered that lasers are an extremely effective way to remove unwanted hair. Cynosure Elite laser hair removal work by selectively targeting the pigment inside the hair follicle. Each pulse of the laser light takes less than a second to disable large numbers of hair follicles without damaging the surrounding skin. Laser hair removal represents a revolution in hair removal by disabling hundreds of hair follicles in seconds and by promising permanent results. The laser hair removal can remove hair from all parts of the body including the face, πόδια, όπλα, underarms and back, as well as sensitive areas like the chest, breasts and bikini line. With the Cynosure Elite for laser hair removal, technicians can switch back and forth between multiple laser wavelengths during a single treatment. In addition, the Elite laser hair removal utilizes the Cryo-5 Zimmer Cold Air Cooling system in order to provide safe, comfortable treatment for all patients.

The Cynosure Elite laser delivers a non-invasive laser beam specifically designed to eliminate undesired hair from all parts of the body. It generates intense light through an actively cooled hand piece, which effectively disables unwanted pigmented hair follicles, thus impairing growth. The laser’s cold hand piece is placed gently on the skin and glides along as pulses of light are delivered from the laser. When light penetrates the skin it selectively damages the root of the unwanted hair.

Procedures for laser hair removal in London are becoming increasingly popular for both men and women. Men and women with thick, dark hair know the pain of having to constantly shave, wax and tweeze. A series of safe, effective laser hair removal treatments at our London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic, 1 Οδός Harley, London can stop all this. A few simple laser hair removal treatments with Cynosure Elite laser can significantly reduce the amount of unwanted hair found on any area of the face or body. If you’re fed up with constantly removing unwanted hair, our Harley Street clinic can help. Stop in today and visit our laser hair removal experts for more information on this revolutionary procedure.

In addition to the removal of unwanted hair, the Elite laser is also effective at removing facial and leg veins as well as pigmented lesions.

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