Renew Your Skin at Harley Street, London, UK

Artikel af Sara

Many skin problems are due to an excessive build up of dead skin cells, which make the skin thick and usually clogging the pores. Chemical peels can quickly achieve substantial improvement in the skin’s appearance. Chemical peels are basically an accelerated form of exfoliation. There are different types of chemical peels which aim to reduce lines and wrinkles, remove pigmentation and scarring and treat acne.A superficial chemical peel is a no-downtime procedure, quick, that renews the skin by lifting dead cells off the surface and stimulating metabolism of the cells underneath. These chemical peels usually use combinations of alphahydroxy acids, and only affect the top layers of the skin. With superficial chemical peels you may need to have regular treatments to maintain the effect.Deep chemical peels are performed using phenol and go deeper into the lower part of the dermis. These peels are excellent in providing a drastic improvement in the appearance of wrinkles, discoloration and uneven pigmentation, skin damage and acne scars. In order to achieve the desired results only one deep chemical peel treatment is needed and the results last for many years. Imidlertid, a chemical peel is not a substitute for a facelift and does not prevent or slow the aging process, but will improve the appearance of superficial lines, scars, plus gain smoother, softer-feeling skin. Each patient must receive a consultation prior to booking their appointment, so please book your free consultation with our highly experienced therapist in advance at London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic, 1 Harley Street, London, UK.Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi introduced the revolutionary dermal fillers – Ellanse from Holland into the UK, by in March 2010. Ellanse is first dermal filler which offers a safe unique Tunable Longevity with the result lasting from 3-5 flere år. Ellanse offers the maximum potential for modelling and correcting wrinkles and folds, volumizing and contouring facial area. Ellanse stimulates the generation of new collagen tissue unlike other dermal fillers, which are volumizers.Ellanse dermal filler can help fill up the empty spaces in your skin and can also help your skin look smoother. This non-invasive procedure is a great option for those patients who want youthful looking skin. Our Harley street clinic specializes in anti-wrinkle, dermale fyldstoffer, kemiske peeling, microdermabrasion and the latest in advanced laser treatments in the UK.

Om forfatteren

LMA Clinic is one of the leading centre and specialists in Ellanse, Smart Lipo, kemiske peeling, Kosmetisk kirurgi mv.

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