Yswiriant Llawdriniaeth Blastig

Mae miliynau o bobl yn mynd o dan y gyllell bob blwyddyn i wella eu hymddangosiad, i creithiau gywir o anafiadau, neu i liniaru anghysur. Most health insurance policies only cover plastic surgery if there is a serious medical reason for doing surgery. Women needing breast reduction or accident victims needing their noses realigned may receive coverage from their health insurance, but most plastic surgery is not covered, especially if the surgery is voluntary.

Plastic surgery is a medical procedure and it’s very expensive. Statistics from 2010 listing the prices of common plastic surgery procedures are astonishing. Mae pigiad Botox syml ei restru ar ychydig dros £ 500. Mae lifft wyneb yn cael ei rhestru yn ychydig dros £ 5,000. Mae cost lifft y fron bron i £ 4,300, liposugno Daeth i mewn ar bron i £ 3,000, a Zeltiq Coolsculpting cofrestru mewn syfrdanol o £ 5,200. Nid yw'r prisiau yn cynnwys yr holl ffioedd a dynnwyd yn ystod llawdriniaeth blastig; costau ychwanegol o anesthesia, cyfleusterau gweithredu, a bydd costau eraill yn dod â'r gost amlwg yn uwch.

llawdriniaeth adluniol, neu lawdriniaeth ar rannau o'r corff annormal a achoswyd gan nam, anaf, or illness is generally performed to improve the person’s ability to function and to give them a normal appearance. This type of plastic surgery insurance is usually covered by most health insurance plans. Cosmetic surgery, or surgery performed on normal body parts, is performed to enhance a patient’s appearance. Most insurance plans will not cover this type of surgery. Take the time to research several health insurance cwmnïau a chael dyfynbrisiau yswiriant ar-lein i benderfynu pa sylw sydd orau i chi yn seiliedig ar y gweithdrefnau sydd ei angen arnoch neu eisiau wedi ei wneud a'r manteision ariannol o gael polisi o'r fath. Pwyswch pa cwmnïau yn cynnig, cost y polisi, a beth fydd yn rhaid i chi dalu allan o boced. Gall cael sylw yn lleihau eich allan o draul poced o filoedd o ddoleri i ddim ond cannoedd o ddoleri, yn dibynnu ar eich polisi.

Categories: Health Insurance
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