Ever wished that you had larger or smaller breasts? This is now possible with breast surgery or breast augmentation surgery at London’s Harley Street Aesthetic Surgery. This procedure by expert cosmetic surgeon Dr Rajan Uppal is a type of plastic surgery that results in breast enhancement. This option has become the preferred choice among women who want to enhance the size and volume of their breasts. With this procedure, smaller breasts can look larger, gellir cydbwyso bronnau sy'n ymddangos yn anghymesur a gellir adfer bronnau ysbeidiol oherwydd oedran neu feichiogrwydd i ymddangos yn llawnach. Dim mwy o fach, bronnau drooping neu sagging!
Beth mae llawfeddygaeth ehangu'r fron yn ei olygu?
Pan fyddwch chi'n penderfynu mynd i mewn i gael llawdriniaeth i gynyddu'r fron ym Meddygfa esthetig London's Harley Street, mae'r broses yn cynnwys gosod mewnblaniadau bron silicon neu halwynog. Gall y lleoliad hwn fod y tu ôl i feinwe'r fron neu ychydig o dan gyhyr y frest. Pan wneir hyn, it enhances the shape and increases the size of the breasts, making it appear fuller.
There are different types of breast augmentation surgery involving different types of incisions during surgery. The procedure is not a complex one and is likely to take up to two hours and done under general anesthesia. The implants can vary in texture and range from liquid silicone, silicone-gel or saline solution. Gel implants are usually recommended. You can choose the size and position that best match your body type.
Your surgeon will discuss the type of incision, the type and position of your breast implants. You will also receive advice on how to look after yourself after the breast implantation surgery.
How much do breast implants cost?
This depends on the exact procedure you opt for and includes general anesthesia, the implants, choice of implant material, surgery, and duration of stay at the hospital, medications and after-surgery care.
Interested in knowing how you can have perfect breasts?
Deciding to go in for breast augmentation surgery is a personal one. Naturally, you can expect to feel more confident and look younger and better. We use computer technology to show you exactly how you will look with your new breasts. This will help you look at different options. To know more about how you can benefit from breast augmentation surgery in London’s Harley Street Aesthetic Surgery, book your free consultation today. Call us now.?
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