The Golden Standard for Permanent Hair Reduction and Youthful Skin Appearance at 1 Clínica Harley Street

With Cynosure Elite laser at London Medical& Clínica Estètica, 1 Carrer Harley, Londres, is the most effective and comfortable laser hair removal in both light and dark skin types. Therein lies the true beauty of laser hair removal. Our Harley street clinic highly experienced laser therapist will recommend to have six to eight treatments to stop growth of all hair permanently, but after completion of the course, the effects are truly permanent. With Elite laser hair removal, actively growing hair follicles are damaged permanently, such that they cannot grow hair again. Laser hair removal has proven to be a giant step forward in hair removal technology. The Elite laser system safely and effectively treats all skin types, individuals with fair skin and dark hair are typically the best candidates, and however with Elite laser, laser hair removal settings can be adjusted to treat any skin color. After laser hair removal treatment at our London Medical & Clínica Estètica, 1 Carrer Harley, London patients can experience redness and slightly puffiness in the treated area, but most of the redness will fade within 24 hores. Aloe Vera gel and ice may help in relieving discomfort, but most of the times patients after the laser hair removal treatment returns to normal activities, like nothing happened. Cynosure’s Elite is the most comprehensive laser hair removal system, which will achieve complete freedom from shaving, depilació amb cera, and other forms of hair removal treatments potentially for the rest of one’s life.

Chemical peels are designed to rejuvenate skin and improve facial irregularities. Chemical peels will make your skin look smoother; less wrinkled, and may be more even in color. The application of chemical peels to the skin is a well-described method to attempt to restore a more youthful appearance. London Medical & Clínica Estètica, 1 Carrer Harley, London can offer many different types of chemical peels. The choice is determined by an individual’s skin type and desired correction. Chemical peels work best on those clients with mild to moderate skin damage from sun exposure, lifestyle choices such as smoking and/or acne, aging. If you would like a brighter, smoother and fresher complexion, with just a little or no downtime, then you are an excellent candidate for a chemical peel.

Clínica Harley Street:


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