Zigoma Diş İmplantları

Zigoma diş implantları müasir diş implant müalicəsidir, əvvəlcə səksəninci illərdə professor Per Ingvar Brånemark tərəfindən hazırlanmışdır. Zigomatik implantlar da deyilir, zygoma teeth implants are longer than regular dental implants, extending up to 55 mm, compared to the standard 10 -15 mm. They are usually recommended to replace missing teeth in the upper jaw, in cases where severe bone resorption is present in the maxilla. Compared to normal teeth implants which are inserted in the jawbone, zygoma teeth implants are placed in the cheekbones.

Temporary tooth restorations like traditional dentures are not usually considered ideal for people with high levels of jaw bone resorption, daha da sümük itkisinin qarşısını almaq üçün təsirli müalicə hesab edilmədikləri üçün. Sümük keyfiyyəti qeyri-kafi olan xəstələr də müntəzəm olaraq diş implant müalicəsi və ya artıq diş protezləri ala bilməzlər, əvvəlcə sümük grefti müalicəsi edilmədən. Bəzi hallarda zigoma implantları bu cür xəstələrə uzun müddət davamlı dişlər təklif edə bilər, əlavə sümük peyvənd prosedurlarına ehtiyac qalmadan.

İmplantasiya proseduru

The procedure for placement of zygoma teeth implants is generally less invasive than that to place traditional dental implants, and is typically performed in two stages. During the first stage, the implant posts are fitted in the cheekbones, through the use of computer scans that help guide the implant along the correct path of insertion, through the sinuses. A few days later, a temporary acrylic bridge can be attached to the zygoma dental implants. The bite of the bridge is then checked and adjusted accordingly.

Over the next few months, the bone in the cheek then grows around the zygoma dental implants, till it effectively fuses with them. This process is called osseointegration. When the appointed dental implantologist determines that the bone has healed satisfactorily, the final bridge made of acrylic or porcelain can be attached to the implants, to complete the tooth restoration.

The main advantages of zygoma teeth implants are:

– They do not require bone grafts.
– They need fewer appointments than regular dental implants.
– They have a shorter treatment time.
– They have a higher success rate than dental implants placed after bone graft procedures.

The Harley Street Dental Clinic in London is a premier dental practice, which specialises in teeth implant treatments. İllər ərzində, the highly skilled dental team at The Harley Street Dental Clinic have developed an outstanding reputation, bunun üçün The Daily Mail kimi aparıcı qəzetlərdə yer aldılar, Daily Express, və London Axşam Standartı.

Frasers 120R.at Harley küçə velosipedini sürükləyir 3 səkkiz 2010 . videoda bütün sürətləri tutmadı ~ ən sürətli (MƏN GÖRMÜŞƏM) idi 11.03
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Etiketlər: DentalImplantsZygoma
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